Please Will You be My Eyes?

Update: Both Stew & Dumpling have found new homes!

For any animal being given up for rehoming is a scary time, there's a new house and new people to get used to, now imagine not being able to see your new home.... You're food bowls in a different place and where you thought the door to your bed was is now a wall you keep banging your nose on.

These two bunnies need a very special homes with people who are prepared to see past their disabilities and provide a stable loving home for the rest of their lives.

Both Stew and Dumpling suffer from Glaucoma, Stew is completely blind and though Dumpling still has some sight she will eventually also become blind. They were bought into rescue because the owner was going to university and felt she didn't have the time for them.

Despite being blind once they have settled into their new homes both can lead the same happy lives any other rabbit can. Their sensitive hearing, sense of smell and whiskers will compensate for their sight loss. It will take a little longer for them to settle in and find their way around and it will be important not to move things around so they know where to find them.

Stew needs a special home


Stew is a silvery brown colour (not sure what this ones called!) and is 18 months old. Sadly she is completely blind, but once she finds her way around her hutch she is fine. Her other senses have heightened so she has made up for lack of sight. She suffers from Glaucoma, but this is not painful. She is due to be spayed 4th December. She was bought into rescue because the owner was going to university and felt she didn't have the time for them. Stew was bred a few months ago, which was not advisable because Glaucoma is hereditory. The babies were sold before Stew got to us. This is one reason why she is being spayed - so that no more 'accidents' can happen. She is nice to handle, although stipulations must be made for her 'settling in' period, as being blind she gets scared.

Dumpling needs a special home


Dumpling is black, with a little white on her and is nice to handle. She is looking for a special home as she suffers from Glaucoma and although only blind in one eye, will eventually be complately blind. Her sister, Stew, also looking for a home is already completely blind. This is not a painful condition though and their other senses heighten when their sight goes. Once they find their way round their hutch they are fine. She is due to be spayed on 4th December.

If you think that either of these girls could be the one for you or you would like to know more contact Emma at:

Furry Friends Animal Rescue
27 The Glade, Old Coulsdon
Tel:020 8407 1080

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