The Bunny Camp Newsletter is brought to you by Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
in support of The Bunny Camp Sanctuary, who kindy let it feature on Rabbit Rehome. If you have any queries regarding the
newsletter, appeals or rabbits in it please contact them directly not Rabbit Rehome.
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Bunny Camp News
Volume 2 Number 1 January 2004
- A look back at 2003
- Jamie’s Story
- Some re-homing successes
- Bunny Health
- The Barbara Peters Pages
- Our December Photo Competition
- Bun of the month!
- Comment from our editor
- Join the Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
- A reminder of who we are
- Some useful contact details
Ø Bunny Camp News is produced by the Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
Ø In support of The Bunny Camp Sanctuary.
The Bunny Camp Sanctuary would like to say a big thank you to everyone out
there who has supported us throughout 2003. It was a good year for improvements
and hopefully with your continued help will carry on through 2004. Remember to
look out for our Photo Shows and Open days and if you are interested in joining
our 100 Club contact us with your details.
I have a great friend called Jane who is a tower of strength to me and Jim. She is
the inspiration behind most of the project to raise money that we launch here at the
sanctuary. It is due to her dedication that the sanctuary manages to stay above water
financially although this is a constant battle for her as raising funds is very difficult
on a daily basis. Despite the fact that Jane suffers from ill health and also is looking
after her mum Joyce, (who is also a great supporter of the sanctuary and who is ill at
present) she has taken on the sponsorship scheme completely. It doesn’t matter how bad
she feels she still sits in front of the computer day after day. This task has been much
greater over the last 4 months due to all the losses the scheme has experienced. We love
you Jane and your simply the best.
It is with great pleasure to announce the increase in volunteers in 2003 and the sanctuary
has now got nine. Not all the volunteers work directly with the bunnies but keeping the
sanctuary running involves much more than just hand on work.
Alison is the longest volunteer we have at the sanctuary and when she joined us apart from
my friend Jane there was only Jim and I. Alison has gone from strength to strength and is
excellent at handling, grooming, nail clipping and accessing the bunnies’ moods. As well as
the hands on help she has taken on the task of putting the re-homing bunnies on the website
( which is very time consuming and has also taken on the job of
typing out the bunny story cards that are put on the cages of every bunny when they come
into the sanctuary for re-homing. You’re a star Alison, thank you.
Sarah joined us after her partner Stephen saw an article in the local newspaper which
inspired her into wanting to help. Sarah works alongside Alison most of the time and
her experience has grow by the week she has a great personality and is dedicated to working
with the bunnies. She is willing to join is with any of the fund raising events with Stephen
throughout the year and there help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your support
Bunny Camp Sanctuary 2003 Summary
By Sonya McDonough
It has to be said that I have no regrets about leaving 2003 behind, it was the
worst year the sanctuary has experienced since opening its doors on 1st July 1997.
It is very difficult to know where to start so lets start on a positive note and talk
about the progress we have made and improvements we have made to the sanctuary.
As a lot of you will know we went into 2003 with the thought we may be closed down unless
we were give official planning permission by the local council. The planning permission
was granted however they put a restriction on the number of bunnies we can have in the
rescue centre which does make helping the unwanted bunnies harder. We were also visited by
the environmental health as part of the planning and he was extremely impressed with the
cleanliness and organisation of the sanctuary.
The first improvement was the completion of the extension to the main rabbitry which includes
a work area for treating the bunnies. This has made a vast difference to the work we do
with the bunnies and has enabled us to improve the care we can give them.
We also were able to purchase three bunny houses. We know from experience that not all
bunnies like to live as house bunnies however they do need to have comfort, space and
protection from the elements. At the sanctuary we believe that no bunny should be subjected
to living in a small cage without any freedom. The bunny houses cost about the same amount
of money as a solid joiner made cage but give the bunnies much more space to run, jump and
stretch out at their own leisure.
The sanctuary now has bunny safe fencing all round the play areas to prevent any bunnies
escaping but it also stops anything else getting into the playgrounds.
The most recent improvement is the purchase of four new cages which are made of heavy duty
stainless steel. This means we can fully sterilise them on departure of every resident. It
is our intention with your help to try and replace all the cage over the next couple of years
so please enter our photo shows and come along to both our open days as the more support we
get the quicker we can purchase the cages.
On a sadder note it had been a heartbreaking year for the sponsorship bunnies.
First we lost Chocolate on the 26th March after a long battle she was the oldest of our
sponsor bunnies, she had a strong but endearing quality that you couldn’t resist. She left
behind her partner Duke who misses her very much and up to present we have been unsuccessful
in pairing him up with any of the other girls on the scheme.
Chocolate was followed four days later by Sweep who went suddenly in her sleep. Her stroppy
personality gave her character and you couldn’t help but love her.
Then in the middle of April Vincent became ill and after a couple of weeks was taken from us.
He was the most gentle natured bunny you were ever likely to meet. He had a short stay at the
sanctuary but without our intervention would have been put to sleep preventing him from
experiencing the love of a genuine home.
The summer came and went without to many problems then in September my world seemed to crumble around me.
Firstly Valentine became ill and after a short illness she sadly passed away on Tuesday 10th
September. Valentine was a very quite but loving character who loved her life here at the sanctuary.
Then on Wednesday 11th September we had to make the decision to have Angel put to sleep after
being ill for a long time. He was a cute little white bundle who loved his partner Ivory.
On Thursday 12th September Max after pining for his mum Valentine. He absolutely loved children
and they loved him.
I thought my heart would break and I would be unable to carry on but the more I looked around at
the bunnies at the sanctuary the more I felt I couldn’t fail them so I took comfort in putting Honey,
Jason, Rebeena, Bailey and Sapphire on sponsorship as they desperately needed a permanent home.
They all settled into their new surrounding but tragedy struck again and Honey was taken from us on
29th November when her cancer returned. The love that surrounded Honey was remarkable and she loved
life to the full.
The week before Christmas Rebeena started pulling her hair out and stopped eating and drinking so
was taken into the Veterinary hospital for tests and treatment. The tests revealed Kidney failure so
her treatment was continued however on 26th December she went to bunny heaven. She was a very strong
character but loved a cuddle.
Our final loss was Flick who died on 29th December after his lungs failed him. He was an adorable old
man who will always be remembered along with all the other bunnies we have lost this year.
In-between Rebeena and Flicks illness Duke our mascot became ill and it was discovered that apart from
his front teeth he had no other teeth and he had a nasty tooth abbess above his top front teeth. His
prognosis wasn’t good but him upstairs must have been shining down on us as our Duke has got better.
We hope this is an omen for 2004 and that we will have a good year this year.
We have also now added Erica and Hugo onto the sponsorship scheme. For every magical bunny we lose
there is always another poorly bunny waiting in the wings. Although the loss of these endearing
creatures is hard to bare we have to remember all the good times we have had and the quality of
life we gave to them, they were all lucky enough to know what a loving home was like, this is something
many do not have the fortune to experience.
I will end the summary on a much lighter note, although we aim to protect and care for all the bunnies
with health problems our other ambition is to find all the healthy bunnies perfect new homes and this
was a magnificent success last year and we managed to do this for
This number makes all the hard work worth it and I hope all you people out there who support us will agree.
Jamie’s Story
By Hilde (A Bunny Camp News reader who lives in Holland)
A few weeks ago I took Jamie home. Jamie is a black Flemish giant male, and he is nearly 2 years old now.
Jamie a beautiful bun had been dumped in the street. How long he was wandering around,
no one knows for sure, but it must have been
quite some time. When the local rescue centre found him, all four of his feet were badly
injured. One of his hind feet had a huge hole in it, his coat was matted and full of mites,
and he was also thin and very depressed.
A few days later I was having a look at the website of the sanctuary, and saw a photo of Jamie.
The people from the sanctuary asked for someone who wanted to give this black Flemmie a caring
and loving home. I responded immediately, because Jamie had captured my heart. I really wanted
to make this poor bun a very happy bun again.
When Jamie was strong enough and the mites where gone, they took him to the vet to be neutered. A
week later they brought Jamie to my place and I took over the care and nursing from the woman who
cared for him during his time at the rescue centre. Jamie was really craving attention. He really
loved it when I took him on my
lap and brushed and petted him, while I spoke softly to him. Jamie followed me around like a little
puppy dog, he is the sweetest and
friendliest bunny I have ever seen. Especially when I bear in mind that he had been dumped and up
until now had a very hard time.
I also took care of his feet. The foot with the hole in it was slowly getting better, the wounds
on the other three feet were closed and were healing very well.
I decided to give Jamie some time to feel at home and get a little rest; he really needed some extra
care and attention too. Jamie slowly got better, but he still was very quiet. When his feet were
better, He had longer and longer outside of his large cage, and he loved it! He seemed a little happier,
but still there was that sad look in his eyes. I got Jamie a large cuddly bunny toy, he loved it, he
groomed it and lay next to it.
Yesterday, two day’s before his birthday, I decided to take Jamie downstairs to the room where my two
other Flemmies Rusty and Sparky live. They where both in their cage, so Jamie could explore the room
safely. He had a wonderful time, and when he finally he got to the cage with the other two Flemmies,
they had a good sniff of each other, and then Jamie hopped away again. Later Jamie came back and they
started sniffing again, and then he and Rusty started licking each other, soon after, Sparky joined in.
It looked like all my Flemmies might just get on together, so I took both of them out of their cage
and crossed my fingers.
At first, there was a bit of mounting while they established just who was boss, but soon all three of
them were grooming each other, and finally they all lay down together as if they had been friends for years.
For the first time since Jamie arrived I saw happiness in his eyes. Jamie who really wanted a bunny
friend, found two bunny friends at once.
So Jamie was finally a happy bunny again, and seeing him so happy made me feel very good too. Jamie got
the very best birthday present I could ever give him.
But there is more to come. Normally, Rusty wakes me up at 7 in the morning. that’s the time he wants his
food. But this night he started gnawing the bars of his cage at 3am, I didn’t take notice and tried to
go back to sleep again, but at half past five Rusty started again to make has much noise as he could, so
finally, I fed him and Sparky,
but when Rusty finished his food he made it clear that he wanted something else. I opened the door of
their cage so they could get out, but Rusty kept coming to me, and pushing his nose against my leg. Finally
I found out what it was, what he wanted me to know.
He wanted me to get Jamie downstairs, so I got Jamie and now they are here with me in the living room three
happy Flemish giants.
I have to save up now, so I can get a larger space for them to live in, so that they can be together day
and night. For Jamie this really is a happy ending, he finally is a happy bunny again.
Re-homing successes
By Allison Girt
At our Christmas Party Day we had the following rabbits put on reserve:
Boris (Netherland Dwarf)
Mr T (lionhead)
Treacle (English "self")
We are pleased to say that Boris and Treacle have now gone to their new homes following
successful home checks.
Boris and his bunny girlfriend are house-rabbits and Treacle has also been re-homed as a house-rabbit
with 2 cats for company. We are particularly pleased for Treacle, as she had been waiting for a home
for almost 2 years. Mr T will be re-homed shortly and his new owner visits him regularly.
Although not reserved on the actual re-homing day, Olivia (lop) caught the eye of a young couple who
rang a few days after the open day and reserved her. She has now gone to live in Northampton and is a
much adored bunny.
Also re-homed is the giant French lop, Missy. Missy was reserved just before the open day and her new
owners have had made a superb large hutch to accommodate her huge frame. It's great to know that our
rabbits are going to people who are prepared to invest time, effort and money to give them the best
possible home.
Other rabbits now re-homed: Rogan (lop) was re-homed on 23.12.03 after being at the sanctuary circa 6
months and being reserved for the last 2 months.
Harvey the lion head cross (found abandoned on Chevin Forest Park, Otley) has also been re-homed. He's a
lucky boy as he's been paired up with a female Rex called Sooty and his new home is a fully carpeted conservatory!
Austin (lop) has recently been re-homed with Diane's Dad in Guiseley and is settling in well and getting
used to his new name "Jimmy". He's a lovely cuddly rabbit and we had no doubts that he would take long
to find a home.
We've had Clarice and Clarissa (2 black Dutch does) reserved this week and one of our 3 month-old babies
called Mary.
Sadly, we have recently lost some of our beloved sponsor bunnies: Rebeena, who has been with us a year,
succumbed to renal failure. It transpired that she was older than we suspected. No one knew about
Rebeena's background as she was found wandering the streets by the RSPCA, but it was suspected that she
had been abused as she could often be aggressive. Despite this she was loved and looked after at the
sanctuary who saved her from being put down by the RSPCA.
Flick, the old silver fox buck also passed away as his pneumonia returned. He was a brave boy who put
up with his regular dental treatment without fuss.
We shall miss them both.
For details on our other bunnies available for re-homing, please look under
I am an unspayed female English (self) bunny born approx July 2000.
I came into the sanctuary along with my litter of 6 babies on
the 27th January 2002 - unwanted.
I haven't had a good start in life but have been a good mum to my babies. Three
of whom have found nice new homes to go to.
Considering what I've been through I am very sweet and loving however I am very
unsure about being picked up but do like to be stroked. I would like nothing more
than responsible, caring new owners to love and share the future with. I am still
only young myself so will adopt easily given the chance.
Bunny Health - The Medicine Chest
by Paul Hutchinson
Thoughtful bunny owners should always keep a few things to help sort out health
scares. In the past, Barbara Peters has identified lots of herbs and wild plants that
make wonderful natural remedies, and of course a good bunny vet will always advise you
of things that you should keep in store just in case. One thing though that I was advised
to obtain very early on does not come from the vet, or from the garden, it’s called
Infacol, and it comes from the chemist, and it can be invaluable in times of crisis.
Our esteemed editor Dandy has a delicate digestive system which is easily upset. This
often manifests itself as a “gas attack”. Dandy had one of these attacks last week. The
symptoms are that he gets listless, and won’t settle, it seems as though he just can’t
get comfortable. He won’t go near food, and he just generally is not himself. A closer
examination revealed that his abdomen was bloated; he was blowing up like a balloon!
I knew what to do straight away. I lifted Dandy up onto a flat surface (much like the
examination table your vet may have), and very gently palpated his abdomen. Then, I opened
the Infacol, and gave him two droppers full. Within a couple of hours, his abdomen started
to return to normal, and by the next morning he was eating for England!
I have to say at this point, if this had have happened during the day, I would have taken
Dandy straight to the vet, but as usual, it happened in the evening, and rather than call
out a strange vet who does not know Dandy, I treated him myself.
Infacol is not a substitute for a visit to the vet, but it is a very useful emergency treatment.
The Barbara Peters Page
Now I did say last month that there would be no gardening for a while…. but upon
opening this months Gardeners World Magazine, what popped out? Plant and seed catalogues.
Those of you who do follow my pages might like to go on line and order the latest seed
catalogue from Mr Fothergill’s; we can make a start at the end of February.
Any readers who have been thinking about adding a vegetable garden should pop out, mark
the area off, and did a trench lengthwise a spade and a half deep and start to add spent
hay, “currents” and kitchen peels. Fill to half a spade deep, cover and then start
another trench. By the time your plants are half grown, the hay etc will of turned to
compost and the plant roots will be going “yum, yum”…….
Next month we can start sowing some seeds and I’ll show you how to convert your vegetable
patch into a raised bed.
ZIPPY-ZOO’S STORY (Oh and you might need a tissue)
Last month I told you a little about my Dutch bun Tinker, well Zippy is his “girlie”. A
Lion head who sometimes goes under the alias’s of “rottweiler”, “bat-ears” and “fluff monster”
as well as a few other expletives that being a “family” newsletter we won’t go into.
I’ve had Zippy since she was a kitten; she was 2 years old in September. I went to look at the
stock at the big pet shop when this little face and nose appeared out of one of those wooden
bed-boxes. At first I didn’t recognise “it” as a rabbit until I read the sign “Lion head male rabbit”.
I thought about this nervous little rabbit on the way home, ‘phoned the shop and reserved him as
a playmate for my then Dutch doe Hazelmay, he was collected the next day. At first he went in
the Tris but because he was so unsettled, earlier than I wanted I partitioned off my big indoor
run and popped him in there.
Shortly after he arrived home he was booked into the vets for his mixy jab and got a sex change
at the same time. This little buck was actually a doe. However she did bond really well after
about 6 weeks with Hazelmay. During the summer both would be out in the garden, Hazy digging
the holes with Zippy behind her smoothing out all the excess soil.
Unfortunately Hazelmay died from pneumonia. Zippy was distraught, and not being “two-foot”
friendly hid behind chairs and settee’s. Jay found me a male Dutch at her local rescue centre
so off I travelled to Prestatyn to fetch him home. This was Felix. Both buns being “entire”
at the time bonded in the blink of an eye. They had one weekend of “bonking” before neutering
the following Monday. After “un-stitching” both buns were free to live together, but I must
add that going into their room I heard them both chatting, but as soon as they saw me they
both turned with their backs to me.
At this time I also began to realise just how destructive a Dutch and a Lion head could be as
they began eating wallpaper and digging up carpet!
Felix was a bit of a sloppy buck who liked fuss, and nose rubs in particular. Curiosity got
the better of Zippy who came over to see what I was doing with her mate. Zippy began to quite
like the odd nose rub too. Rabbits are quite good at copying each other, and to see little
Zippy do a Dutch rabbit head flick complete with flashing tail as she runs off after a scold
is quite funny.
As you may remember, sadly Felix crossed over Rainbow Bridge last February leaving me with
again a very lonely Zippy. This time though she did begin to come to me for company and we
did build up quite a nice relationship. She also got moved out of her bedroom into mine when
my other two buns were bonded. I’d wake up in the night to find her asleep on my feet.
In April I found the perfect match for her with Tinker. Once again they bonded very quickly
(overnight!) and have been best of friends since eating carpet, books, wallpaper and recently
my highly prized and valuable record collection. This time it has been Zippy who has brought
Tinker over for a nose rub, and Tinker who loves toys has shown Zippy that it is quite ok to
play with a “two-foot”.
ON A SERIOUS NOTE: I’ve had occasion just recently to visit the vet with my elderly cat who
has not been well. On my last visit I asked this, I think, newly qualified vet for additional
Zenecarp tablets for her arthritis. He was quite shocked and informed me that Zenecarp was
not authorized for use on cats and I would have to make do with Metacam! Do bear in mind
that this cat has been using Zenecarp tablets for the last 4 years.
During our conversation it became quite apparent that apart from teaching medicine at Vet
School they are also teaching them to stay away from possible lawsuits!
Are our pets going to be subjected to “backward” technology I ask myself?
CLASS ONE...16 Entries
This class was for ‘A Bunny is for Life not just for Christmas and I am here to Stay!’.
1st...Foxy & Barney by Margaret Moorehouse age 6yrs and 1yr “We’re not going anywhere, we’re part of the scenery and we’re here to stay”.
2nd…Toffee by Samantha Wells age 7 mths, “This is my sofa so find somewhere else to sit”.
3rd…Clementine by Sarah Baxter age 2yrs. “I’m so cute you can’t resist me”
4th…Clarence by Wendy Byng age 4½yrs, “Dressing for Christmas doesn't mean I am only around for Christmas ”.
CLASS TWO...6 Entries
This class was for ‘Is Santa really a Bunny in a Red Coat?’ .
1st…Jezabell by Wendy Byng age 4yrs “Well now you know, I am a bunny?”.
2nd…Dylan by Ian Wood age 14mths “ I’ve gone to sleep early so Santa will defiantly bring me lots of goodies”.
3rd…Muriel & fivel by Cathy Gill, “Me may get a glimpse of Santa if we hide amongst the tinsel”.
4th….Macduff by Diane Baldwin age 4yrs “I am hiding amongst the pressies hoping to see Santa”
CLASS THREE...11 Entries
This class was for ‘Foxy Females’.
1st… Phoebe by Diane Baldwin “Aren’t I just the most stunning babe you’ve ever seen?”.
2nd…Muriel by Cathy Gill, “Oh you caught me touching up the whiskers”.
3rd…Hoppy by Mrs Talbert age 5yr “Look at this stunning figure”.
4th….Flora Bell by Wendy Byng age 2yrs, “It’s hard work looking this good”
CLASS FOUR...8 Entries
This class was for ‘Prince Charming’.
1st…Milo by Diane Baldwin “Look at me, I’m such a handsome hunk”.
2nd…Fivel by Kathy Gill, “My black glossy coat is just the most stunning”.
3rd…Theo by Sarah Baxter age 1½yrs, “Haven’t I got the most excellent mane you’ve ever seen”
4th….Chockie by 1yr, “Black is defiantly the in colour this year”
CLASS FIVE...16 Entries
This class was for ‘Watch Out, Watch Out, there’s a Bunny About!’
1st…Jessica & Macduff by Diane Baldwin “I’ll protect you Macduff, you don’t need a guard dog”
2nd...Saffron by Mrs Talbot age, “If I hide myself down this hole I can keep a good look out for burglars”.
3rd…Billy by Margaret Moorehouse age 5yrs, “I’m on the run so keep out of my way”.
4th…Chockie by Mrs Hallam age 1yr, “I will get the hay from up there if it kills me”.
CLASS SIX...8 Entries
This class was for ‘Bundles of Joy’.
1st… Daisey by Mr & Mrs Twiddy age 3mnths, “Busy, busy, busy making my bed”.
2nd…Dumpling by Louise Martin age 3mths, “I’m the cutest bundle of fluff you’ve ever seen, but I’m shy”.
3rd…Fern by Mrs Talbot age 6mths, “An afternoon nap is just what us babies need”
4th….Harvey by Alison Girt age 10wks, “I’m shy”.
This class was for ’Dick and Lyddie’.
1st… Billy & Foxy by Margaret Moorehouse age 5yrs & 4yrs, “Us pensioners need our rest”
2nd… Annabel by Wendy Byng age 4½yrs, “I should get a bit of peace and quiet in hear”.
CLASS EIGHT... 11 Entries
This class was ‘Stress Management’.
1st… Sammy & Flopsy by Mrs Talbot age 2½yrs & ?, “This is what we call relaxation and love, sharing everything”.
2nd… Echo & Apollo by Collette Taylor & Craig Whitaker age 15mths & 13mths, “We want to be together”.
3rd….Fivel & Muriel by Cathy Gill age , “If I wash you will you wash me?”.
4th….Dandy by Chris & Paul Hutchinson age 18mths, “This is the life being tended by my human mum”
CLASS NINE...11 Entries
This class was ‘Food for Thought’
1st… Connie by Mrs Talbot age 8mths, “Oh! What am I going to have for tea tonight, there’s so much choice”
2nd… Macduff by Diane Baldwin age 4yrs, “Isn’t broccoli the best veg ever”
3rd… Cinnamon & Jack Daniels by Ian Wood age 1yr & 13mths, “I wish he’d share that carrot with me”.
4th….Echo & Apollo by Collette Taylor & Craig Whitaker age 15mths & 13mths, “Tea time is so much fun”.
CLASS TEN...5 Entries
This class was ‘Belle of the Ball’.
1st…Sammy & Flopsey by J & M Talbot age 2½yrs & ? “We will be the best dressed at the ball”.
2nd…Sophie by Alison Girt age 2yrs, “ Many a bunny would go to the ends of the earth for a coat like mine”
3rd….Jack by Diane Baldwin age unknown, “ Joseph eat your heart out, my coat’s the best”.
4th….Clementine by Sarah Baxter age 2yrs, “Coloured spots on white are the in thing on the catwalk this year”.
CLASS ELEVEN...7 Entries
This class was ‘Animal Crackers’.
1st...Millie(dog) by Ashleigh Hobson age 1yr 11mths, “My best friend’s a bunny called Warren, who’s yours ?”
2nd… (hamster)by Ian Wood, “Catch me if you can, I’m supersonic in my ball”.
3rd...Tess (dog) by Cathy Gill, “ I’m an old lady but I still pull the crowds”.
4th...Little Jess (guinea pig) by Alison Girt, “I’m just the cuddliest guinea pig you’ve ever seen”.
Best in Show
Diane Baldwin

Bun of the month

 End column By Dandy
My Friends Lucky & Ben
Hello To all of you. I hope that you have enjoyed this month’s bumper edition of bunny
camp news, but I couldn’t sign off without a special mention this month for my friends Lucky & Ben.
Lucky & Ben live with their pet 2-foot Jane, who used to come and see me when I lived at Bunny
Camp, and they sent me this message:-
Hi Dandy.
We thought we’d send this picture of me under tree at crimbo- now you know what I mean when I said
I’d stood a good chance of winning a rosette in photo show!!

My eye infection has 99% cleared up now but boy it worked a treat- I’m ALWAYS in the house now -
its great and I see my chick lucky every night.
I'll send you some more photos in future as dad two foot managed to download most onto a disc - r
u impressed with my computer jargon??( don’t be I just listen - well with these ears u cant help
but really can you?)- I think it was just to try and keep mum 2-foot quiet - didn’t work but it
was a good try!!!
you keep up the good work dandy and give a little kiss to Flopsy from Mexx
Read Dandy’s live journal at
Why not join us?
The Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group meet about once a month, usually in a child friendly
pub (yes Sonya brings her kids!). We talk about Bunny Camp and plans for the future, but we do
not just confine ourselves to that. We are a general talking shop for all things rabbit, and
would love to welcome any Bunny Camp News readers to join us.
If you would like details of where and when we meet, then call Allison Girt on 0113 239 7408
(evenings), or e-mail her on :
Who we Are
Here at the Bunny Camp Sanctuary, we strive to provide a safe haven for rabbits who,
through no fault of their own, end up here because they have been mistreated or neglected,
or simply because their owners can no longer look after them.If you are interested in
re-homing or sponsoring any of the gorgeous creatures that we have, or simply wish to make
a donation to this worthwhile cause, please contact:
Sonya and Jim McDonough
4 Stoney Ridge Avenue,
BradfordWest Yorkshire
Tel: (0044) 01274 821665
Useful Contacts
R.S.P.C.A. regional headquarters
P.O. Box BR29
LS13 2XL
Phone (24 hours) 08705 555 999
The Rabbit Welfare Association
PO Box 603,
West Sussex
RH13 5WL
Some Other Good Rabbit Sancturies
Gwen & John Butler
68 Whitefields Drive,
North Yorkshire
DL10 7DL
Telephone: 01748 824788
Society for Abandoned Animals
The Peggy Henderson Animal Sanctuary
Barfoot Bridge
Manchester M32 9UP