The Bunny Camp Newsletter is brought to you by Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
in support of The Bunny Camp Sanctuary, who kindy let it feature on Rabbit Rehome. If you have any queries regarding the
newsletter, appeals or rabbits in it please contact them directly not Rabbit Rehome.
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Bunny Camp News
Volume 2 Number 7 July 2004
- All the latest from The Bunny Camp.
- The Open Day
- Information on our sponsor buns
- Duke’s story
- Sponsorship form
- August Photo Show
- The Barbara Peters Pages
- Bunny Health
- Golden Days
- In the news
- Bunny Riddles
- Bunny Humour
- Scoot’s media review New Feature
- Comment from our editor
- Bun of the month
- Flopsy Girl’s Agony Column
- Join the Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
- A reminder of who we are
Ø Bunny Camp News is produced by the Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
Ø In support of The Bunny Camp Sanctuary.
All The Latest from The Bunny Camp
Well… We all had a great (if very wet) open day at the beginning of the month, and we found homes for some of our inmates, but there are still plenty of buns at Bunny Camp who need loving homes. These are just a few of them…
Troy was found wandering around in someone's garden. He's a sandy/ginger coloured medium sized lop rabbit, very friendly and placid |
Tyler is about 13 months
old, an unwanted child's pet. He's white with a dusky nose and slate grey eyes.
He's placid in temperament and is a really lovely boy.
Ivy is aged ca. 4 months and is probably an English-cross. She's mainly
white with black ears and dark eyes. She's a very lively young rabbit and is
July Open Day
Jim and I would like to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped and supported us on the day. Despite the torrential rain we were visited by a fantastic number of people.
We found homes for eight of our bunnies which is fantastic. Lucky and Harvey who had been with us for about 12 months have really landed on their feet and are now settled in their new home as house bunnies (well done you two). Shelly, Rusty and Simone are also going as house bunnies to two very special supporters of the sanctuary Trish and John McGrath (Thanks you two). Peggy is going to one of the sanctuaries oldest supporters Catherine Lumley (lucky bunny). Douglas who has gone to a new family who are very dedicated as I discovered when I visited the home to find a brand new purpose built house for him. Last but not least was Carrie who has also gone to a new family offering everything a bunny could wish for and more.
The day was a great success despite the rain and we raised a staggering
So thank you everyone once again, over the page is a break down of how we raised the money.
SPONSORSHIP | £352.50 |
RAFFLE | £143.90 |
KITCHEN | £130.03 |
BUNNY PRODUCTS | £255.13 |
TOMBOLA | £107.53 |
BRIC A BRAC | £172.12 |
CARDS | £80.50 |
DONATIONS | £160.00 |
| --------- |
TOTAL | £1451.71 |
Here are some pictures taken on the day

Fighting the elements
 Taking Shelter
 In the Rabbitry
 This is one side of the enclosure where the sponsor buns live. While we had visitors, we fenced off each bunny house. Normally, they all run free together.
 The accommodation is roomy, and really very practical, none of the sponsor buns now have to spend their lives in cages.

Bunny Camp Sanctuary Sponsor Bunny Information
For a mere £1 per month, £12 for the year you can sponsor one of these gorgeous but poorly bunnies
and help towards their ongoing veterinary care.
BENJI. The sweetest little male Dwarf Lop bunny, age unknown but younger. Found wandering streets, was to be put to sleep. Came into Sanctuary 2.10.02 taken to Vets immediately. Sore eye connected to overgrown molars. In very poor condition and very underweight. Much better now. |
CHRYSTAL .Stunning female silver Dwarf Lop born approx 1.9.99. On arrival had cataract in left eye and one forming in right. Now totally blind. Was unwanted due to stroppy nature after her partner died. Fear aggression. |
ERICA. Cute and lovely natured female Dutch bunny born July 2002. Unwanted due to owners moving house. Had old, untreated brake on back right leg will have mobility problems and arthritis in the future. |
CLYDE. Very handsome, nice natured male English born approx September 96. Came from a breeders home unfortunately kept for 3 years in a shed with no attention just fed and watered. Very nervous and requires surgery to his teeth every few months. |
DUKE. Extremely placid and adorable male French lop born approx Feb 97. Arrived Feb 01 in shocking condition. Had lived in a 1 foot square box for 4 years. Had muscle wastage, poor skin and fur, mentally very unsure. Now partially sighted. |
SMOKEY. Most affectionate little male silver dwarf lop born 16.10.98. Had stroke when a baby nobody wanted to re home him for fear of repeat stroke. Suffers poor skin and fur but very lovable. Loves people, extremely easy going. |
LITTLE JESS & MAZIE. 2 Female Guinea Pigs, LITTLE JESS just lost partner SPIKE, MAZIE came into Sanctuary as unwanted pet with bunny, the bunny died shortly after decided to pair up with LITTLE JESS and place on Sponsorship Scheme. |
HUGO. Very sweet natured male Blue Dutch bunny born Jan 2001. Belonged to a Breeder but due to ill health couldn’t cope. Was very well cared for and 1 of 10 who came in. HUGO suffers problems with his left eye due to teeth problems will need regular teeth checks. |
JASON. Big, cute and cuddly, male New Zealand White cross bunny born approx Aug 01. Been in Sanctuary for 18 months in the re-homing section but because he has E Cuniculi and is blind in left eye nobody wanted him. Needs ongoing treatment for life. |
IVORY & BAILEY. Ivory born November 01. Was found in a shed at 7 days old with 19 other rabbits all born through interbreeding. Ivory has severe malocclusion, has had front teeth removed. Bailey brought in at 8 weeks old was to be put to sleep, has misaligned jaw requires Veterinary treatment every 2 weeks. |
BONNY & BLOSSOM. 2 female white bunnies, Bonny Netherland Dwarf, Blossom cross Netherland Polish born approx 2000. Unfortunately these bunnies have been homed and re homed several times and keep coming back. Now permanently on Sponsor Scheme. |
ELICIA. Female cross Netherland Dwarf/Dutch bunny age unknown, older rather than younger. Came from RSPCA in Leeds was a cruelty case. Very bad state with fractured back left toes, E CUNICULI, mites, spurs on teeth. Will require constant Veterinary treatment. Very sweet natured. |
BLUEBELL. Female, spayed Dutch bunny born approx Jan 2001. Came in with HUGO, has been in re-homing section since October 03 with minor eye problems but now has developed teeth and related eye problems therefore cannot be re homed. Will require ongoing Veterinary treatment. |
Duke's Story
Hi, my name is DUKE, I arrived at the Sanctuary in February 2001 in a bit of a state. I am a FRENCH LOP but having lived in a box about a foot square for four years I am not a good example of one—when I arrived at the sanctuary I was very much under weight, poor skin and fur, bad eyes, muscle wastage and mentally very unsure and unstable.
The Bunny Camp Sanctuary saved my life, as they do with a lot of bunnies, and although I still have problems I love being here amongst my bunny friends. Unlike the other bunnies though who eventually go to good new homes, I have to stay here as I need nursing and looking after but I don’t mind.
It took months for me to start trusting humans again, I was so scarred something would happen to me if I moved away from the safety of the middle of my cage (my comfort zone as I called it). I had learnt to exercise myself by rolling over in this comfort zone however the love and understanding I received from everyone at the sanctuary meant I started to move away from my safe haven only to find space and freedom not danger. My life is everything and more than I could have wished for so if you would like to find out more about me then fill in the form and SPONSOR ME.
If you would like to sponsor a bunny please use this sponsor form.
Bunny Camp Sanctuary
August Photo Show
All entries in by 21st August 2004
Here is the second of 3 PHOTO SHOWS for 2004. We hope that you and your bunnies have been keeping that camera busy. Safe as before, choose the classes you want to enter. One photo can enter as many classes you like (as long as each class is paid for separately), or you can enter more than one photo of the same bunny into the same class (as long as each photo is paid for). Entry fee £1 per class, per photo, minimum entry 3 classes. PLEASE REMEMBER TO ENCLOSE AN A4 ENVELOPE WITH STAMPS TO THE VALUE OF £1. (Any un-used stamps will be returned to you).
- CRÈME DE LA CRÈME (most stunning bunny or bunnies)
- BRAVE BUCKS (best male bunny)
- DAINTY DOES (best female bunny)
- BIG BOLD & BEAUTIFUL (for medium to large bunnies)
- QUIET PLEASE…BUNNIES SLEEPING (bunnies chilled out or sleeping)
- IF IT FITS…FLAUNT IT (most striking coat, colour, markings)
- GROUND FORCE (bunnies doing what bunnies do in the garden)
- A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN (2 bunnies, bunny with human, toy, or other animal)
- AGE MEANS NOTHING, IT’S WHO YOU ARE THAT COUNTS (for more mature bunnies age 4 years plus)
- ANYTHING GOES (any other pet, most attractive. Can be dog cat hamster, guinea pig, or any other animal you have)
PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ON THE BACK OF EACH PHOTO Your name, address, bunny’s name, age when taken, male or female, and CLASSES TO BE ENTERED. Please send your photo’s and entry fee (cheques payable to BUNNY CAMP SANCTUARY) along with an A4 envelope and stamps to the value of £1 to Bunny Camp Sanctuary, 4 Stoney Ridge Avenue, Heaton, Bradford, BD9 6PA to arrive no later than 21st August 2004. Winners will be announced 4 weeks from the closing date Rosettes (yes they have arrived safely this time) and award certificates for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. 4th place or reserve winners will receive a rosette. All 11 winners will be entered into BEST IN SHOW. The overall winner will receive a laminated certificate, best in show rosette, plus a voucher for a 10kg bag of Burgess. All photo’s will be returned along with winning results sheet, PROVIDING THAT ENVELOPE & STAMPS HAVE BEEN ENCLOSED. Should you not wish to do this, please arrange to collect your own. All proceeds raised will go towards helping to replace our old cages with smart new stainless steel ones at a cost of £280 each. We are on our third batch of 4 now, but we still have several batches to go. Unfortunately, we cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged photo’s.
Good Luck Everyone
The Barbara Peters Page
Two of my rabbits have been to the vets since arriving and are now under surveillance for either coughs or sneezes. My elderly cat also has a bad chest.
My little Dutch boy Tinker has had a slight chest infection and we spent a whole 7 days fighting as to whether “we” were going to have our daily dose of Baytril or not.
Thai tends to go through phases of sneezing for a while now and again and so does my cat Twiggiepuss.
All my rabbits are having hefty doses of Plantains at the moment, either in the form of small new leaves or larger ones shredded up like their spring greens. Tinker has a small leaf of Coltsfoot added to his mixture, as this plant is a known curer of coughs.
Unfortunately this plant, though a perennial disappears in the Autumn so come the end of August or early September I will be collecting the leaves before the go “off” drying them out and then storing in a couple of coffee jars. During the winter I intend to use the dried leaves as a tea, add to his water bowl and hope for the best.
Thai gets Mallow leaf again on a daily basis. Mallow is an excellent plant for upper repertory problems as it is a natural decongestant. Feeding daily ensures this his air ways are clear and does not invite any infection.
Last but not the least, my cat Twiggie. She of course isn’t going to enjoy having snipped up weeds mashed in with her Whiskers. For her I take a small bowl, cut up Mallow, Plantain and Yarrow, pour on boiling water and leave to brew. When the water has turned a nice shade of green, I add 2 tablespoons to her water bowl. The rest is frozen in ice cube trays.
All these plants are used as a preventative measure and not as a cure for the complaints. Any signs of infection and the rabbit must go to the vet.
I keep finding new things out about
this wonderful prolific wild plant. There
are two main types of plantain avail-
able. Great Plantain, which is a spring-
Autumn perennial and much preferred
by my rabbits and the tall thin Ribwort
available all year round.
Both are fibrous, and therefore, good
For “current” production, are a good source of vitamins and minerals, are diuretic and being antimicrobial help boost the bodies natural immunities resist and fight off infections. Plantain also helps the body drain away excess mucus and this should help with conditions such as “snuffles”.
Whilst looking around web sites for suitable photographs, I came across a few other remedies that plantains can help with. The juice of the plantain mixed with Oil of Roses and then massaged into the joints may help with arthritis in the older rabbits. Can help with eradicating worms. Last but least again the juice can be rubbed onto wounds to help with healing small cuts.
Where to find them? The Great Plantain you should find in many lawned areas such as a football pitch or even better in the tall grasses left by the mower, cracked pavements and gravel areas.
It is well worth digging a few of both these plants up and transplanting either into pots or directly into the garden for feeding, especially the Ribwort as you’ll have free food all winter.
Introducing a new bun...
Well Bimbo you’ve been at your new home now for a month, so I thought I would ask how’s it all going?
Q.. What were your thoughts on arrival?
A.. I was horrified at the state of the grass here actually. It’s sort of lilac and tough to eat.
You really have to give it a good tug to pull it up.
Q.. Don’t you get much to eat there?
A.. Oh loads, we get plenty of weeds as the 2foot calls them, infact on a good day you can even lick the rain drops off them, they are so fresh. We also get plenty of supermarket stuff like greens, carrots and apple. Only complaint is that in my opinion she is a bit stingy with the dried mix.
Q.. How did you get the name Bimbo?
A.. Well you know. Firstly I ended up on the streets, a 2foot picked me up and kept me for 3 weeks, then another 2foot came and I lived there for 2 weeks and then just as I gotten settled, yet another 2foot came and took me away. So I thought it must be me and I decided this time to be shy and allow this 2foot to pick me up and fuss over me. So I ended up with this b******* daft name.
Q.. I hear you have a boyfriend there?
A.. Yes, he’s only dinky though and as I found out later, not quite “all there” if you catch my drift?
Q.. Has this made any difference to your relationship?
A.. Well yes. I allowed him to have his wicked way with me, spent 2 days building a nest only to find out “NO babies”. Still I’ve sorted him out now. I do the bonking and am first in the food dish.
Q.. Oh dear, but do you like your new home?
A.. Well yes, I mean I’m no longer caged, there’s always plenty of mischief to get up to and plenty to eat. I just don’t like having to go and “beg nicely” first thing in the morning for my carrot cruncher……..
Well as you know I have recently interviewed Bimbo and I thought that you might like the chance to put your side of the story.
Q.. What were your first thoughts when you met Bimbo?
A.. I just couldn’t get over the size of her! Then I caught a whiff of those hormones and thought “Oh boy”!
Q.. Bimbo has complained about No babies!
A.. Well my last mate always had a headache and speaking quite frankly here, in all the excitement I’d quite forgotten I had a few bits missing.
Q.. What did you make of this “nest building”?
A.. Well I was a bit put out to tell the truth. I mean she was far too busy to play, ripped and took all the paper away from “poo-corner” and pinched all the hay.
Q.. What about this dominance thing?
A.. I wasn’t too pleased about that either, I mean have you seen the size of her, I almost got squashed. Still it’s all sorted now, if she gets a bit bossy I just take my teddy for a run round.
Q.. Do you think you two will settle down together?
A.. Oh I think so. The 2-foot’s promised me that she’ll have her “bits out” soon and won’t be quite so bossy. Bimbo is good at grooming and being so large there’s plenty of nice warm fur to snuggle into when winter comes.
Bunny Health - Taking bunny’s temperature
Normal temperature of a bunny is 38,5 -39,5 C (103.3-104 F)
Taking bunny's temperature:
In order to do this properly you will need a rectal thermometer or a digital thermometer. Lube the end, and insert the end into the rectum. Digital thermometers need to stay inserted until it beeps. In order to keep your pet calm through
out this procedure, have someone at the animal's head.
If you not sure how to temperature your bunny, ask the vet or another experienced person to show you.
Golden days is a support group for the owners of elderly rabbits. Its aim is to share information and tips that could make life for our rabbits easier and more comfortable, to bring together those people who share the delights of living with an elderly rabbit and to join in friendships and share new happenings within the rabbit world. There is a quarterly newsletter with problem pages, health issues, useful hints and tips, quizzes and Riley replies, not forgetting it is very friendly and helpful.
Golden days is restricted to a small number of members and supports the Bunny Camp Sanctuary 100% sending donations from all the different ways they raise money as well as Sponsoring Duke (the sponsor bunny featured in this BCN) as a group. The Bunny Camp News is offering its readers the opportunity to read Golden days by joining its postal list.
To do this you need to contact Dandy (the editor of the BCN) at 42, Nidd Approach, Deighton Bar, Wetherby LS22 7UJ giving your details and enclosing a cheque for £4.00 made payable to BUNNY CAMP SANCTUARY, plus post & packing (50p per issue which you put on the envelope provided). Once on the postal list you will receive The Golden Days Magazine through the post, with the golden days Magazine will be a postal list and address labels once you have read Golden Days you must tick off your name and address and send the magazine to the next name on the list once the last name on the list has read Golden days it should be sent back to Dandy.
German police revive rabbit
Sat 10 July, 2004 17:44
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police have successfully resuscitated a dwarf rabbit named Napoleon by breathing through a ball point pen after he passed out in a house fire, authorities say.
Two officers were called to a Berlin flat where fire-fighters had dragged the unconscious rabbit's cage outside. The officers opened Napoleon's mouth with a pen and breathed down it while giving the pet a cardio massage, a police spokesman said on Saturday.
The officers then rushed Napoleon by police car to a vet, who will keep him for observation for a few days.
Bunny Riddles
What do you call a rabbit that has fleas?
Bugs Bunny.
How do you know carrots are good for your eyes?
Did you ever see a rabbit with glasses?
What are four hundred rabbits hopping backwards?
A receding hare line.
What do you call a man with a rabbit up his jumper?
What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?
A Hot Cross bunny.
What do you get when you cross a bunny with a spider?
A hare net.
What did the bunny say when he only had thistles to eat?
Thistle have to do!
What did the grey rabbit say to the blue rabbit?
Cheer up!
Why is a bunny the luckiest animal in the world?
It has 4 rabbits' feet.
How do you post a bunny?
Hare Mail.
What is the difference between a crazy bunny and a counterfeit banknote?
One is bad money and the other is a mad bunny!
What do you get when you cross a bunny with a leek?
A bunion.
What did the bunny want to do when he grew up?
Join the Hare Force.
How can you tell if your bunny is a chestnut?
Get out a board and see if he plays!
Bunny Humour
Light up box and radio comment of the month - by Scoot - the famous Critic Columnist
Good day everybun
I have been working flat out this month watching films, videos and DVD's as
well as listening to the radio - this is all in aid of helping other buns
and their pet 2-foots on what to watch and listen to!
I have been listening to the radio quite a bit - of course the cricket has
been on and most buns will know that I am rather a fanatic when it come to
cricket. This has been my first season with cricket and after a couple of
games I now seem to have the hang of it quite well. Cricket is a game
played by 2-foots - it consists of 2 sides each having 11 men in it and a
couple of other people called umpires who are usually visually impaired! My
understanding of the game so far is that one side bats and one side bowls -
this then turns around and the side that batted then bowl and the side that
bowled then bat - confusing I know, but if you study it correctly you will
see that for us buns out there it would be a simple game but the 2-foots find
it difficult! Some 2-foots even have score cards! This is where they write
down each and every time a ball is bowled and each and every time the bat
hits the ball and a run is scored. Obviously, these 2-foots have terrible
memories as they have to write these things down and also have to keep
repeating the scores and who did what all the time!
It seems there are 2 kinds of cricket - one is called test match cricket and
the other is called one day internationals. In the test match cricket the
2-foots have to wear clothes that are all white - even though at the end of
the match they are usually green, brown and other dirty colours, they have
to wear their "whites" to a game which lasts over 4 or 5 days. Of course,
things would all be over sooner but as usual, the 2-foots have to go off the
field endless times a day to chomp food and then sleep of a night! Us buns
would never do that, we would stay out there until the game had been
finished and a winner declared!
One day internationals are where the 2-foots have to wear coloured clothing -
the colours are usually awful and still end up filthy at the end of the day!
This time they use a white ball instead of a red ball as due to the colours
of the clothes that they have to wear, it would be hard to see the red ball
against them! Why they just don't wear white clothes as usual defeats me
but I will endeavour to find out!
I have been listening to the cricketers playing something called a
triangular - when I have seen clips of this on the light up box I have only
seen big gardens that are square or rectangular - I have not seen any garden
that is anywhere near the shape of a triangle so once again the 2-foots get
mixed up! You have to pity them, you really do - such a terrible species -
it's no wonder that beings from other planets won't show themselves, the
2-foots would never know what to make of them and would probably ask them to
play a game of cricket on a triangle when it isn't a triangle at all. While
we still have this species of 2-foots who are not willing to learn and become
even a quarter as clever as us buns, then we will be waiting a long time for
any other life form to come and visit us!
So far I give the cricket 6 carrots out of 10 :)
Which leads me on to things that I have been watching on the light up box -
I have been watching the X-Files (series 8) - and I have to admit that I am
finding it all rather strange. Hopefully, by the end of series 8 I will be
able to understand a lot better and then I won't have to watch series 1-7 :)
When dad first told me that we would be watching the X-Files I was a little
bit shaken as I had misheard him and thought that he had said Sex Files - I
was most embarrassed and thought that this would not be appropriate to
comment on - I then got slightly excited about it all as I am rather a fan
of bumpy bits on doe 2-foots - I thought that maybe I would see a lot of them
When I realised my mistake I was slightly disappointed but soon got over
that as the X-Files started - it is indeed a very strange programme to
watch - there are usually aliens from outer space taking some of the 2-foots
away to other planets or to experiment with on board their space ships - now I
suppose that I could be persuaded to believe that something like this could
happen except they go and spoil it all by sending the 2-foots back to earth
again!!! Now that is just plain daft and anybun with an ounce of sense
would know that if aliens did want to come to this earth and live and study
here, then one of the first things they would do is to get rid of most of
the 2-foots on the planet and NEVER send them back again! Of course, there
would have to be some 2-foots left here - our pets for example - we would be
lost without them, we all need our pets and even though they are such a
stupid species, we would miss our 2-foots dearly - especially when it came to
feeding and exercising time. We like to train our -2foots how to pamper to
our every whim and this includes going to the allotments and getting us our
favourite foodstuff - this should then be prepared lovingly by our 2-foots
and served up to us at certain times. In between times we should be fed
bits of parsley and other tidbits - as well as being cuddled and stroked -
so those 2-foots would of course have to stay!
Back to the X-Files, well, I am not right through the series yet but I can
say that I find it quite fascinating - so many things happen to these people
called Scully and Mulder and one of them always seems to be in hospital
wired up to something called monitors - yet they always seem to bounce back
and are fine for the next episode! Not a scar to be seen or even a sneeze -
quiet amazing really how these 2-foots can portray themselves in films when
in reality they would be moaning and groaning for ages with something as
simple as a cold (especially the buck 2-foots!) - but there again, if you
look at it logically, it does show what good imaginations these 2-foots have!
Scully and Mulder and some other 2-foots try to solve unexplained deaths and
strange things - they always seem to go into rooms in the dark and don't
bother switching on the lights! They are then shocked when something
appears and frightens them - well, all they had to do was turn the light on
in the first place and they would have seen that something was there! There
is usually no real explanation as to why strange things are happening and
some people try to believe one thing when others try to believe another.
The one thing that is said each time which I have to agree with is "Trust
No-One" - and after studying -2foots for all of my 1 and a bit years, I can
quite believe why!
So far I give the X-Files 5 carrots out of 10 :)…. STOP PRESS….
I have an update and amendment for my column - I have just watched an
episode of the X-Files and it frightened the life out of me! I have
therefore given that episode 3 cecals and a cushion - oooooh, it didn't half
make me jump!
I also watched Jurrasic Park 3 and loved it - all about dinosaurs and big
flying things (but of course the 2-foots try to be the heroes!) - I rate that
9 carrots out of 10.
I then watched Hannibal part 2 and LOVED it :) That has definitely got 10
carrots out of 10 - I just wish that I could get that slurping noise right -
I would be such a happy bun then.
Righto, I think that's enough for this time. See you next time and
remember - be careful out there and trust no-one :)
Scoot (critic extraordinaire)
 End column By Dandy
Some news from The Hairy Mob
 SMALL KEY RINGS –ONLY £1.25(£1.50 double sided)
ONLY £2.00(£2.50 if double sided photo)
(PLUS 60P min. for return postage – up to about 5 large key rings)
If single sided you can have a wording logo on other side e.g. – ‘I SUPPORT BUNNYCAMP SANCTUARY’
Actual Size of picture small - 35mm x 25mm
jumbo and magnet - 70.5mm x 45mm
You can e-mail your pics and order to: or post to address below.
- 23 lower east avenue, barnoldswick bb18 6dn
- Chqs payable to bunnycamp sanctuary
As you may or may not know, I have some very good friends called the hairy mob who live down in Wales. One of the mob needed to have one of her back legs amputated last week, so I just wanted to say, get well soon Duchess.
Read Dandy’s live journal at
Bun of the month
Duchess (Who has not forgotten how to smile, despite losing a leg)
Flopsy Girl’s Problem Page
Dear Flopsy Girl...
Maple here - I have been bonded with Mr Jingles (aged 13) for a few months
now - he is fine except for the times that he gets "frisky" but I soon sort
that out and give him a slap across the face.
This past couple of weeks Mr Jingles has looked as though he has been
dragged through a hedge backwards, then forwards, then backwards again! He
is moulting like mad and is a complete mess! Now, I usually like mum or dad
to give me combs and brushes but Mr Jingles, well, he kicks up such a fuss
and you would swear he is being murdered! It's a wonder you don't hear the
screams from here!
We have a Dyson cleaner (it came in a Dyson box and after the cleaner
sitting in the corner for a good while we found a use for it as the box had
by then been shredded to bits) - it is an animal cleaner and I know that it
would be used primarily to clean our pet 2-foots, but would it be worth
having a go on Mr Jingles as he really does need to smarten himself up? I
do worry that he may get sucked up the pipe what with him being so tiny and
all, but at least the cylinder is clear so we would be able to see him and
let him out.
Any other ideas or suggestions would be ever so appreciated.
Love from Maple (the roving reporter of The Hairy Mob)
Dear Maple:
I do so hate it when bucks let themselves go in this way. You are obviously used to a much better behaved gentleman. Do you have a pond in your garden? If so, throw him in it, and then he will have to clean himself up when he climbs out.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
I wonder if you could give me some advice please. I came to Ebony-Eyes 15
months ago and unfortunately I had no nose - now, I do have nostrils it's
just that I don't have an actual nose covering. This can be a bit of a
nuisance as I only have to put my head in the litter tray or in the soil and
I sneeze and sneeze and sneeze! It wasn't my fault about my nose and I
wasn't born like this - I was actually attacked at a very young age and had
my nose bitten off - well, better that than losing my life I would say!
Dad keeps on saying that he is going to make me a nose out of plasticine and
then laughs about it - well, I have to admit that I am getting to that age
where I am starting to be oversensitive about things and would also like to
look nice enough to attract a young buck. I don't find it funny anymore
being made fun of and having to put up with Dad going on about it and then
calling me "Nosebud" or "No Nose" is quite frankly getting on my flipping
Do you have any ideas on where to get a new nose? How about some actual
covering to disguise it? I have heard that 2-foots can wear a special make
up to hide scars, do you think something like that would do?
Last question - how do I stop Dad making fun of me?
Love from Rosebud from The Hairy Mob
Dear Rosebud:
You are a very lucky doe. Noses are terribly inconvenient, so you are fortunate indeed not to have one. As for sneezing, have you thought of not shoving your face in the soil? Finally, if your Dad keeps going on about you not having a nose, just wait until he is asleep, and then go bite HIS nose off, then he will know what it’s like!
Dear Flopsy Girl...
My name is Bobby and I live with the Hairy Mob - I have bad eyes and am
blind in one eye and have a little vision in the other one. I have terrible
infections and am always getting a snotty nose. It can't be helped as this
was caused by a bad 2-foot who didn't look after me before I moved here.
I sneeze a great deal and mum has to clean my nose - I also have someone
called Vick shoved up my nose so he must be ever so tiny to go up there!
Anyway, mum always nurses me like a baby when she does my nose and eyes and
I have to admit to being so comfortable that I end up snoozing in her arms
for ages. Oh I do love it as she snuggles me and rocks me like a baby -
it's the child in me that takes over and I can't resist just closing my best
eye and starting to snore.
Am I wrong to like this? Mum ends up with a bad back through sitting on the
floor in an awkward position for so long but she finds it difficult to do my
nose and eyes if she sits on a chair - she likes to be low to the ground
in case I fall. Should I not stay snuggled for so long so that mum doesn't
get a sore back? Is there a way that I could actually get more snuggles if
we can find a way of making mum more comfortable?
Sorry to ask so many questions but I do worry that I may have some kind of
weird bun fetish about snuggling with my mum and also worry about mum
getting a sore back and if she got a really sore back who would give me my
cuddles then?
All the very best and lots of love from Bobby of the Hairy Mob
Violet has typed this for me as my eyesight is to poor to read and write and
I am still waiting for my special disabled equipment to come.
Dear Bobby:
Please stop worrying. It does not matter one jot how uncomfortable you make your mum, that’s what mum’s are for. I think you will find that your mum enjoys the cuddles even more than you do, so I would say you have nothing at all to worry about!
Dear Flopsy Girl...
This is more of a request really, you see our 2-foot had a 'birthday' whatever that is a couple of weeks ago and her friends called to see her, one particular friend sat outside when we were in our run. My 2-foot gave us some parsley that they grow for us and the 2 foots friend said ' Oh, seasoning them for the pot' Well you can imagine the look on my 2 foots face but she was very kind and didn't say anything. So our request is, if we give you the address could you and the gang pay this 'friend' a visit, know what we mean
Penny and Boris
Dear Penny & Boris:
This is an appalling story. First of all, your pet 2-foot should have kicked the living daylights out of the offender. Failure to do this shows that much more training is required. That said, I would be delighted to round up a gang of buns to “deal” with this individual if you can provide the correct address. There will however be a “consideration” for this, should we say 5 carrots with green tops? Oh, and in future, please call me “Godmother”.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
I am having problems with my love life and need your advice.
I am an avid admirer (from afar) of a very formidable bun, who heads a large household of buns in Whales. But I have not been brave enough to tell her how I feel, apart from a bit of bunny-footing around, as we are from different worlds.
I thought she liked me too, but recently I have become concerned that a new bun on the block has stolen her heart. All I know is that this new bun has moved into the commune in Whales and since then all contact has been lost.
Can inter-world relationships work? How can I regain my place in her affections? Or do you think I am worrying unnecessarily?
Melster - A concerned and lovelorn spirit bun.
Dear Melster:
You are a very very selfish sprit bun. There must be millions of does in the spirit world, so why are you hankering after one down here? That said, I think I may know the doe in question, and if I were you, I would make my feelings plain.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
I have a bit of an embarrassing problem really - oh where do I start?
I have always been a loner really; I enjoy other rabbits and 2-foots near me
but not in actual contact if you know what I mean. After spending my first
5 years in a hutch in the garden followed by a further 2 years in a rescue
centre and not wanted because of my age - well, I sort of built up a bit of
a wall around me and made myself out to be a bit stand-offish. This has
changed in the 2 years that I have lived at Ebony-Eyes as I have really
grown to love my mum and dad and I suppose I do love all my brothers and
sisters really, it's just that they all need a good mashing every now and
again! I love my home and adore my garden and am very happy in general but
sometimes, well I get lonely.
A few months ago we started to write a journal and all our friends made
comments on it and it's been a great way to keep in contact with other
buns - we can talk about things that matter to us and discuss the faults of
2-foots continually as, to be honest, their faults are endless. We support
one another through times of sadness and laugh in times of happiness - it
really helps knowing that other buns are out there to share their lives with
In all of my 9 years I have never met that someone special and didn't think
that I ever would - to be honest, I didn't know that feelings like this
could exist - well, I am hoping that these feelings are of love (blushing
furiously) - it's so hard to know at my time of life and then I think to
myself, well who would really want an older lady? It's been and gone and
happened. One of the buns that writes comments on our journal (and all our
friends journals) has touched my heart - he would reply to posts and his
intelligence shone through - also, he is a spirit bun and his kindness
overwhelms me. I am besotted - I know I am - these feelings that I have
towards him are so strong that I don't know if I can contain my love for him
any more. His name is Melster and he is the most adorable buck that I have
ever seen - I look each day to see if he has written in any of the journals
and when I see his name my heart pitter patters.
I will admit that I have been a bit brazen recently and feel very ashamed as
this is no way for a lady to behave - especially one of my advancing years
and of my intelligence - but I haven't been able to help myself. I send him
my love sometimes and he sends it back and he also wrote to some other bun
that is a spirit bun and told him to keep his paws off me - oh did I blush
that day? I was so excited as well and sat and looked at Melster's picture
with a silly dreamy look on my face.
What I need to know Flopsy is this; would I look a proper floozie if I
declared my love for him? Would he be embarrassed and think that I was a
loose woman? What if I have been reading the signals wrongly and he only
wants to be friends? I'm so mixed up Flopsy - I have never felt like this
before and I would hate for Melster to think badly of me or indeed to lose
his friendship - I couldn't cope with that. If we can only ever be friends
then I would rather have that than nothing at all. Please tell me what you
would do in this situation and also let me know if you think that I am a bad
bun having feelings like this.
I would love to announce to the world that I am Melsters girlfriend but
would be far too embarrassed to do such a thing and again, what would
Melster think? I love him dearly Flopsy Girl - I just don't know what to
Yours hopefully
Your good friend Violet from The Hairy Mob
Dear Violet:
When you get to your time of life, then it’s a good idea to lay off the physical side of things. I think that an affair with a spirit bun is a SPLENDID idea! There’s none of that physical effort involved that can put such a strain on a relationship. I say, go for it girl!
Flopsy girl regrets that she is unable to share any of her personal carrots or parsley with anybun, but she is always willing to give advice whether or not it is asked for.
If you have a question for Flopsy Girl, please send her an e-mail to :-
Flopsy Girl will be happy to help 2-foots with their problems as well as rabbits, or any other animals.
Why not join us?
The Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group meet about once a month, usually in a child friendly
pub (yes Sonya brings her kids!). We talk about Bunny Camp and plans for the future, but we do
not just confine ourselves to that. We are a general talking shop for all things rabbit, and
would love to welcome any Bunny Camp News readers to join us.
If you would like details of where and when we meet, then call Allison Girt on 0113 239 7408
(evenings), or e-mail her on :
Who we Are
Here at the Bunny Camp Sanctuary, we strive to provide a safe haven for rabbits who,
through no fault of their own, end up here because they have been mistreated or neglected,
or simply because their owners can no longer look after them.If you are interested in
re-homing or sponsoring any of the gorgeous creatures that we have, or simply wish to make
a donation to this worthwhile cause, please contact:
Sonya and Jim McDonough
4 Stoney Ridge Avenue,
BradfordWest Yorkshire
Tel: (0044) 01274 821665