The Bunny Camp Newsletter is brought to you by Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
in support of The Bunny Camp Sanctuary, who kindy let it feature on Rabbit Rehome. If you have any queries regarding the
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Bunny Camp News
Volume 2 Number 10 October 2004
- All the latest from The Bunny Camp.
- Information on our sponsor buns
- Benji's story
- A tribute to Jason
- Sponsorship form
- The Barbara Peters Page
- Photo competition results
- Come and visit us on our open day
- The recipe column
- The memorial wall
- Bunny Humour
- In the news
- Comment from our editor
- Bun of the month
- Flopsy Girl’s Agony Column
- Join the Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
- A reminder of who we are
Ø Bunny Camp News is produced by the Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
Ø In support of The Bunny Camp Sanctuary.
All The Latest from The Bunny Camp
Could you give a bun a home? These are just some of the buns we have that need
love and care from someone just like you.
CarlyAge: 2
Sex: Female
Details: Description: Blue grey lop. Very pretty and cute!
General health: Good
Temperament: Good
Type of home wanted: Committed and loving
Details: Description: small Dutch cross blue-grey
General health: Good
Temperament: Timid
Type of home wanted: Patient and loving. Destinee was abandoned when her owners
fled their accommodation. She was found in a filthy cage. Her nails were about 3"
long so she could hardly walk. Her age is unknown but she looks young.
Details: Description: English Spot
General health: Good
Temperament: Good
Type of home wanted: Indoor or outdoor.
Mercedes was dumped on our drive in a carry box with a note, explaining that the
novelty had worn off of having a rabbit and she wasn't getting much exercise or
attention. Luckily we were in that day and took her in straight away.
Bunny Camp Sanctuary Sponsor Bunny Information
For a mere £1 per month, £12 for the year you can sponsor one of these gorgeous but poorly bunnies
and help towards their ongoing veterinary care.
BENJI. The sweetest little male Dwarf Lop bunny, age unknown but younger. Found wandering streets, was to be put to sleep. Came into Sanctuary 2.10.02 taken to Vets immediately. Sore eye connected to overgrown molars. In very poor condition and very underweight. Much better now. |
CHRYSTAL .Stunning female silver Dwarf Lop born approx 1.9.99. On arrival had cataract in left eye and one forming in right. Now totally blind. Was unwanted due to stroppy nature after her partner died. Fear aggression. |
ERICA. Cute and lovely natured female Dutch bunny born July 2002. Unwanted due to owners moving house. Had old, untreated brake on back right leg will have mobility problems and arthritis in the future. |
CLYDE. Very handsome, nice natured male English born approx September 96. Came from a breeders home unfortunately kept for 3 years in a shed with no attention just fed and watered. Very nervous and requires surgery to his teeth every few months. |
DUKE. Extremely placid and adorable male French lop born approx Feb 97. Arrived Feb 01 in shocking condition. Had lived in a 1 foot square box for 4 years. Had muscle wastage, poor skin and fur, mentally very unsure. Now partially sighted. |
BLUEBELL. Female, spayed Dutch bunny born approx Jan 2001. Came in with HUGO, has been in re-homing section since October 03 with minor eye problems but now has developed teeth and related eye problems therefore cannot be re homed. Will require ongoing Veterinary treatment. |
LITTLE JESS & MAZIE. 2 Female Guinea Pigs, LITTLE JESS just lost partner SPIKE, MAZIE came into Sanctuary as unwanted pet with bunny, the bunny died shortly after decided to pair up with LITTLE JESS and place on Sponsorship Scheme. |
HUGO. Very sweet natured male Blue Dutch bunny born Jan 2001. Belonged to a Breeder but due to ill health couldn’t cope. Was very well cared for and 1 of 10 who came in. HUGO suffers problems with his left eye due to teeth problems will need regular teeth checks. |
ELICIA. Female cross Netherland Dwarf/Dutch bunny age unknown, older rather than younger. Came from RSPCA in Leeds was a cruelty case. Very bad state with fractured back left toes, E CUNICULI, mites, spurs on teeth. Will require constant Veterinary treatment. Very sweet natured. |
IVORY & BAILEY. Ivory born November 01. Was found in a shed at 7 days old with 19 other rabbits all born through interbreeding. Ivory has severe malocclusion, has had front teeth removed. Bailey brought in at 8 weeks old was to be put to sleep, has misaligned jaw requires Veterinary treatment every 2 weeks. |
BONNY & BLOSSOM. 2 female white bunnies, Bonny Netherland Dwarf, Blossom cross Netherland Polish born approx 2000. Unfortunately these bunnies have been homed and re homed several times and keep coming back. Now permanently on Sponsor Scheme. |
Hi my name is Benji and I am a black and white Dwarf Lop who arrived at the Sanctuary on 2nd October 2002. I have no idea how old I am as I lost track of time when I lived on the streets. I have a lovely sweet nature but suffer from malocclusion. I was to be put to sleep when Sonya and Jim stepped in and offered to care for me at the Sanctuary. When I arrived at the Sanctuary it took Sonya hours of TLC to de-matt my coat and make me comfortable. I also had immediate veterinary treatment to sort my eyes and teeth out. I couldn’t be happier now and love all the attention I get at the Sanctuary.
If you have read the last two Bunny Camp News magazines you will have read Duke and Chrystal’s stories well these two gorgeous bunnies are my flat mates and have made my life exceptionally happy, they both look out for me and when it is cold they both snuggle up at either side of me, (so I am like the meat in the sandwich) it’s so cozy.
Like Chrystal my life is now complete, I am really happy and settled and live in a fabulous house so if you wish to know more about where I live and who I live with fill in the form and SPONSOR ME.
Jason was a beautiful big white New Zealand cross bunny who came into the Bunny Camp Sanctuary two years ago. He was taken straight to the vets on arrival for a full health check where it was noticed he had a problem with his right eye. He was completely blind in the eye, this eye condition is quite often connected to E Cuniculi so Jason was tested and the results came back positive as we had expected.
Jason playing out
Jason spent 18 months in our re homing centre looking for a new family without success so it was decided to put him on the sponsorship scheme earlier this year. As all the sponsor bunnies had been exposed to E Cuniculi it was decided to integrate him as he needed companionship of the bunny kind. Shortly after joining the scheme and playing out with the other bunnies he fell in love with a gorgeous brown and white sexy Dutch called Erica. She was very dominant with him but this seemed to be just what Jason wanted, he loved being guarded, protected and pampered by his new bride. It was Jason’s idea of heaven.
 Erica Jason’s Bride
 Jason chilling
For the next three months Jason was very happy, the freedom to play with all the sponsor bunnies during the day and the comfort to snuggle up with his loved one at night. Sadly tragedy struck on the 8th September when Jason suddenly passed over the rainbow bridge he had not been ill and didn’t suffer he just went to sleep at the side of Erica on the Wednesday morning.
The Barbara Peters Page
A Homoeopathic First Aid Kit
Those of you who have been readers of Bunny Camp News since the early days will know that I am a great believer in natural herbs and remedies, so when I came across a list of homoeopathic remedies recently, I just had to share it with you, anyway, here goes.
A single dose for shock or sudden fear.
Use in cases of severe shock. Postoperatively, give a drop every few hours
Helps to calm aggressive rabbits
Mother tincture
Use 3 drops in 10ml cooled boiled water as an eye wash. (Cold black tea is also really good for eye problems)
Useful for crush injuries to tail of paws, and is also good for splinters.
Nux Vomica
Good for house rabbits that are nervous, grunt a lot, and are inclined to be destructive.
Homoeopathic remedies are available for oral use in either liquid or soft tablet form. Liquids can be added to the drinking water, but are best given direct into the mouth from a syringe. The oral dose is one drop or one tablet, but if you are adding liquid to the drinking water you should add about 6 drops.
This class was for 'Crème De La Crème'.
1st...Kirsty by Georgina Raistrick age 2yrs, "I'm more beautiful
than the flowers around me".
2nd…Blue by Jayne Woodward age 3yrs, "Stunning, you don't
know the meaning of the word until you've met me".
3rd…Clawed by Dee Daubney age 5/6yr, "Even in the shade I'm a
4th…Humbug by Nicola Bradford age 2yrs,
"With the sun on my back you can't dispute how handsome I am".
CLASS TWO...9 Entries
This class was for 'Brave Bucks' .
1st…Mr Toast O'Riley by Dee Daubney, "I'm very brave, can't
you see how strong I look"
2nd…Max by Trish McGrath age 16wks, "I may only be a baby but
I'm still very brave".
3rd…Blue by Jayne Woodward age 3yrs, "Nothing frightens me when I'm
out hunting for dandelions".
4th….Fivel by Cathy Gill, "My gammy leg doesn't stop me guarding my
This class was for 'Dainty Does'.
1st… Shelly by Trish McGrath age 2yrs "Beauty is the key to my
2nd…Isobelle by Wendy Byng age 5yrs, "To look this glamorous you
need a good hairdresser".
3rd…Tulip by Rachel Reynolds age 4yrs "I don't need to work at
glamour I was born looking this good".
4th….Scarlet by Suzanne & David age unknown, "A daily walk in
the park is the secret to my charm".
CLASS FOUR...11 Entries
This class was for
'Big, Bold & Beautiful'.
1st…Imagen by Wendy Byng age 2yrs "I've had a long career in
modelling this gorgeous body".
2nd…Benjamin by Mrs Talbot age 1yr 8mths, "Just resting after a
morning's workout".
3rd…Arnold by Suzanne & David age 2/3yrs, "I'm very
handsome with my black & white coat "
4th….Paris by Wendy Byng 1yr, "Big strong hunks will have to work
hard to look as good as me"

CLASS FIVE...5 Entries
This class was for 'All Good Things Come in Small Packages'
1st…Velvet by Trish McGrath age 2yrs 10mths "Delicate and
dainty is my middle name"
2nd...Harvey & Benjamin by Alison Girt age , "Catch me if you
3rd…Baby by Wendy Byng age 4wks, "It's cosy in this hat".
4th…Muffin & Hamish by The Iveson family age 15mths &
10mths, "This is the life in front of the fire with your loved one".
This class was for 'Quiet Please….Bunnies Sleeping'.
1st… Sandy by John & Marcia Talbot age 7yrs, "This is the life
sunning myself in the garden".
2nd…Dandy by Paul & Chris Hutchinson age 2½yrs, "It was
hard work putting a new doorway in the house".
3rd…Clarissa & Clarice by Ann Garside, "Our favourite
pastime is chilling out on our favourite chair"
by Julie Haigh age 2yrs, "I can't be bothered getting out of bed this morning".
CLASS SEVEN...5 Entries
This class was for 'If it fits ...Flaunt it'.
1st… George by Mrs Talbot , "My blue eyes and gorgeous coat get me
2nd…Hollie & Heidi by Jayne Woodward age 2yrs, "You are
so stunning, well of course you are you're my twin ".
3rd….Spangle by Wendy Byng age 2yrs, "I'm the most handsome hunk
you will ever meet"
4th….Muffin by The Iveson Family age 6mths, "Just rushing to
another photo shoot"
This class was 'Ground Force'.
1st… Milly by Margaret Moorehouse age 5yrs, "Escape! who me,
I wouldn't do anything like that ".
2nd… Bramble by John & Marcia Talbot age 9+yrs , "The snow is
weighing the plants down".
3rd….Muriel by Cathy Gill age 1yr, "Just thought I'd trim these
plants back"
4th….Freddy by Lucy Rawling age 11mths, "This flower smells beautiful"
This class was 'A Match Made in Heaven'
1st… Dandy & Flopsy by Chris & Paul Hutchinson age
2½yrs & 4yrs, "Are you enjoying that cuddle Dandy?"
2nd… Smokey & Thumper by Jayne Woodward age 3yrs &
4yrs, "I'll just kiss it better Smokey"
3rd… Hamish & Muffin by The Iveson Family, "Love is lying on
the rug together".
4th….Clarrisa & Clarice by Ann Garside, "I'll kiss you if
you'll kiss me".

CLASS TEN...7 Entries
This class was 'Age Means Nothing, It's Who You Are That Counts'.
1st…Benny by Jayne Woodward age 9yrs "You're as old as you
feel and feel like 9mths".
2nd…Clawed by Dee Daubney age 10yrs 1mth, "I'm young at heart"
3rd….Tulip by Rachel Reynolds age 2yrs 8mths, "I have a good
4th….Bramble by John & Marcia Talbot age 9+yrs, "
Your never to old to play in the snow".

CLASS ELEVEN...11 Entries
This class was 'Anything Goes'.
1st...Misty (dog) by dee Daubney age 14yrs, "Exercise has kept me
2nd…Vincent & Sebastion (Guinea pigs) by Alicja Kiziewicz age
1yr 8mths & 2mths, "Little & large were also best buddies".
3rd...Mazie & Jess (Guinea pigs) by Alison Girt age
8½mths, "We love to be together".
4th...Turbo (dog) by Julie Haigh, "I love to paddle".
Best in Show
By Trish McGrath
Bunny Camp recipe column.
By Brambles Pack - dedicated to Damson
This month we thought we would do recipes that both buns and 2foots can
eat. This way us buns get to enjoy the fruits of our work.
We have another two recipes. The first is Inverness Ginger nuts.
Which are spicy biscuits… The second is what 2foots call Bread.
This is what toast is made out of.
For each of these we recommend that you have an able 2foot on standby to provide
food and help with hot ovens.
As with the previous month the recipes are measured in food bowls and oz.
Inverness Ginger Nuts
What you need
2 Food Bowls (8 oz) of plain white flour
2 Neddie earfuls (2 tsp) of ground Ginger
1 Neddie earful (1 tsp) of ground Mixed Spice
¾ of a Food Bowl (3 oz) of Fine Oatmeal
¾ of a Food Bowl (3 oz) of Caster Sugar
½ A Neddie ear (½ tsp) of Bicarbonate of soda
1 ½ food bowls (6 oz) Treacle - But be really careful here as treacle is
very sticky and a pain to get out of your fur.
½ a Food Bowl (2 oz) Butter
Flat tins - these are sometimes called baking sheets
A rolling pin - although stamping has the same effect
Something to cut them out with - About 2 ½ inches (the size of Hawthorns
A fork to prick them
A saucepan
A mixing bowl
Parsley - to eat
- Get your foot to put the Oven on (That means turn it on and not wear it) at
gas mark 3 (170 0C).
- Get a big mixing bowl. Put in the flour, ginger, spice, oatmeal, sugar
and Bicarbonate of soda and give it a quick bash with a wooden spoon.
- Get your 2foot to heat the treacle in the saucepan over the stove with the
butter. Now is a good time for a brief snack of parsley. Once the
treacle and butter have mixed together pour into the mixing bowl with everything
else in. Bash until it forms a smooth doe (This is 2foot terminology for it
all sticks together and not that it should be like a smooth doe - like
Bittersweet (a rex))
- Knead well - This is 2foot terminology again and for us buns means stamp on
it lots.
- Stamp it out to about ¼ inch thickness - or roll it with the rolling
pin. Remember to flour the surface to stop it sticking. Then prick it
all over with either yours claws or a fork. Cut it out into rounds - our
2foots use a pint glass as they don't have what they call a pastry cutter.
- Cook for 20-25 minutes in the Oven. We again recommend that you get
your 2foots to do this bit. Now is a good time for a quick rest.
- Eat Parsley
- Take biscuits out of oven and allow to cool on a wire rack.
What you need
Yeast - this can be either dry, fast action or fresh
If using fresh you need ½ oz or about 1/8 of a food bowl
If using fast action yeast you need 1 ½ Neddie earfuls (1 ½ tsp)
If using Dry yeast you need ¾ of a Tbsp or an English Bunny earful
Raisins - to eat
¼ of a Pint of Milk (That's the white stuff Moo's make)
Parsley - to eat
4 food bowls (1lb) of flour - this should be a mixture of Strong white ad
Wholemeal. Our 2foots use 3 (12 oz) of Strong white and 1 (4oz) of
Dandelions - to eat
1 Needie earful (1 tsp) of salt
1 Neddie earful (1 tsp) of caster sugar or honey
Yarrow - to go with the Dandelion
¼ food bowl (1 oz) of Butter
Mixing bowl
Possibly second bowl for dried yeast
A bread tin, cake tin or flat tray - our 2foots use a 1lb bread tin or a 9in
cake tin.
0. For those using dry yeast. Put yeast, warm water, and sugar or
honey in a bowl. Leave somewhere warm. It will bubble and smell
horrible - like the brown stuff 2foots are forced to drink at the pub.
Continue the recipe once it has made about 2cms of froth. Whilst you are
waiting eat some of the greens.
- Put the flour, salt and sugar (if you haven't already used it) in a bowl and
bash it with a wooden spoon
- Rub in the butter. - That is put the butter in the mixture and rub it
with the flour till it forms breadcrumbs. Its best if a 2foot does this as
it gets messy and will stick in your fur.
- Complicated bit.
If using fast action dried yeast - add it and mix it in
If using fresh yeast blend with the milk and then add it
If using dry yeast then add the yeast water/sugar mix.
- Eat something to get your wits working again.
- Slowly mix the liquid in. Make it up to a soft doe. Using more
water and milk as required. Again this is using the 2foot term for doe -
see above.
- This step requires at least 3 bunnies or 1 2foot. Throw some flour on
the work surface. Put your doe on the floured work surface. The buns
line up together. One bun pulls it towards them and folds it over.
Another bun then stamps on top of it and then the third bun pushes it away. Bucks
are allowed to help. If you don't have enough buns then get your 2foot to do this
bit as it takes lots of energy. Knead the doe for ten minutes.
- Eat raisins to get your energy back up. Place a damp tea towel over the
top. Leave until the mixture has doubled in size.
- Have a snooze.
- Once the doe has doubled in size knead again for 3-4 minutes. Then
place it in the tin of choice. If using a bread tin flatten the doe out and
then fold the bottom and top thirds into the middle. If using a cake tin
split it into 8 chunks and form these into a bowl. Otherwise make the doe
into any shape you want.
- Leave it to double in size again. This is a good point to eat any
remaining greens.
- Place in an oven at 220 0C or gas mark 7 for 20 minutes.
Then at 1800C gas mark 4 for 15 minutes. Tap the bottom to test
its cooked. If cooked it should sound hollow. It should be noted that
if you are making smaller shapes like rolls then you cook it for less time.
- Get your 2foot to cut it into slices and place the bread in a
- Eat the Toast. Although we have found that the bread is quite nice
Thank you for listening to us
Brambles Pack
P.s. No buns where harmed in the making of this column.
P.p.s. If you have any recipes you would like featured please contact us at
Bramblebun @
Recipe column extra from Tulip & Orlando
Weetabix Cake
2 cups of sugar,
2 cups of dried fruit (extra for us while we help)
4 weetabix (any left over crumbs for us)
2 cups of SR flour,
2 cups of milk
Mix sugar, fruit & weetabix together with the milk.
Stand for 1 hour.
Add the flour. Stir well. Place in grease proof tin & bake for 60
mins....150c/300f/gas mark 5.
Sounds disgusting but it is a cross between malt loaf & Christmas cake.
Anyone who has had the honour to love and care for a bunny will know how
precious they are so we have decided to have a memorial wall at the Sanctuary for
anyone who would like to have a tribute to their loved bunnies who have sadly
passed over the rainbow bridge. The memorial wall is also a way of helping
the less fortunate bunnies that come into the sanctuary.
A plaque can be purchased and put up on the memorial wall for two years at a
cost of £24.00 (equivalent to £1.00 month). The plaques are had
made and engraved very carefully with your own inscription.
One of the Plaques on the Wall
If you like the plaques but would like to order one and place it at home in your
own special place then you can at a cost of £15.00. The plaques can also
be done for other animals e.g. dogs, cats etc. If you would like to order a
plaque then fill in the order form on the next page and send it to:
The Bunny Camp Sanctuary
Memorial Plaques
4 Stoney Ridge Ave
Animal (e.g.Bunny)………………….
Message on Plaque
To be mounted on Memorial wall
Yes/No Personal
(cheques payable to Bunny Camp Sanctuary)
Please allow 4 weeks for delivery as all plaques are hand made and engraved to
your own personal request.
Bunny Humour
In The News
Could this be the luckiest bunny alive? He was pulled from the
wreckage of a house in Baghdad by a friend of the young boy who owed him.
 End column By Dandy
We are now at a time of year that I simply dread. I don't know why it is, but it
appears that all the 2-foots seem to want to do is waste good money that could be
spent on carrots by buying fireworks.
Fireworks are terrifying for all animals, but many buns are particularly at risk
as they live outdoors. Please spare a thought for the animals. If you are having
fireworks, please use them sensibly, and if you have a bun or buns in your care,
please make sure that they are safe and sound, and preferably indoors when there
are fireworks going off.
Yet Another apology:
Our media correspondent Scoot is now in grave danger of getting the sack. He has
only done his column once, and despite many promises to submit more he has failed
once again.
Read Dandy's live journal at
Bun of the month
Flopsy Girl’s Problem Page
Dear Flopsy Girl...
We are glad that you are feeling better.
I have a problem, the scruffy one that I live with who is now 13 weeks old has
started to try and play rodeo with me which I am not impressed with!
He also smells horrible, his wee and poos are very smelly which is quite off
putting when you share a cage with him and especially for a clean bunny like me
when I see he has left his poos lying round everywhere ( I don't do that!)
Is there anything you can recommend that my 2 foot uses to try and stop the smell
being so bad? My 2 foot says that he will be going to the vets in a month for a
operation that she hopes will help. I hope it helps too otherwise I might have to
start wearing mask when I am around him; my 2 foot says that I was never that bad
when I was young.
Dear Willow:
Of course you were never anything but perfect when you were younger. You are a
doe, and we does are INFINITELY superior to bucks any time. When the vet has
finished with him, he will be a different bunny. There will be somewhat less of him
to worry about for one thing, and for another, he will be a lot less smelly. As for
the rodeo business, you try riding him and see how HE likes it!
Dear Flopsy Girl...
Hi, Flopsy Girl! Glad Dandy lets you use the Pooter sometimes! (or do you let
him use it most of the time?) Anyway, let's see. I'm sure I left a question for you
somewhere. Ah. Here it is. How do I get my 2-foots to stop eating stinky foods?
Dear Merridoe:
The best way to stop your 2-foots from eating stinky foods, is to keep them SO
busy looking after you, that they don't have time to cook. That way, they will just
eat bits of bread and salad and stuff.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
We are all getting over our illnesses now but are still a bit under the
weather. However, the 2-foots keep taking me, Hop, Cowslip and now Birch to
see the
vets. They keep putting horrible bandages on us. We try to take them off
but we get a new one the next day. How do we stop the vets and 2-foots doing
Dear Nettle.
It's your own stupid fault for getting ill in the first place! I speak from
bitter experience as I have to take medicine twice a day, and I hate being picked
up and messed about. I'm sorry, but you will just have to put up with it until you
are better… Then of course there's nothing to stop you from giving your
2-foots a REALLY big bite…
Dear Flopsy Girl...
Since the passing of Bramble I have been alone without a doe to snuggle up
to. How do I get the does to like me?
Dear Hawthorn:
It may well be that all of the does are sick and tired of you whining, and that
your best chance is to get your 2-foots to go along to Bunny Camp and adopt a new
doe who does not realise how annoying you are.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
Since Bramble has passed over the bridge Hawthorn has become unbearable chasing all
OUR does. How do we stop him?
Teasel, Blackberry, Tayberry, Hazel and Blackthorn
Dear Teasel, Blackberry, Tayberry, Hazel, and Blackthorn:
I'm surprised at you for not sharing your does with Hawthorn. Are you afraid
that they will like him better than you? It seems to me that he must be something
very special if Bramble picked him, so if I were you, I would try to find him
another doe from outside of the pack before he takes each and every one of
Flopsy girl is always ready and willing to answer any question that anybun, or any 2-foot may have to ask, even though most of them are really stupid!
If you have a question for Flopsy Girl, please send her an e-mail to :-
Flopsy Girl will be happy to help 2-foots with their problems as well as rabbits, or any other animals.
Why not join us?
The Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group meet about once a month, usually in a child friendly
pub (yes Sonya brings her kids!). We talk about Bunny Camp and plans for the future, but we do
not just confine ourselves to that. We are a general talking shop for all things rabbit, and
would love to welcome any Bunny Camp News readers to join us.
If you would like details of where and when we meet, then call Allison Girt on 0113 239 7408
(evenings), or e-mail her on :
Who we Are
Here at the Bunny Camp Sanctuary, we strive to provide a safe haven for rabbits who,
through no fault of their own, end up here because they have been mistreated or neglected,
or simply because their owners can no longer look after them.If you are interested in
re-homing or sponsoring any of the gorgeous creatures that we have, or simply wish to make
a donation to this worthwhile cause, please contact:
Sonya and Jim McDonough
4 Stoney Ridge Avenue,
BradfordWest Yorkshire
Tel: (0044) 01274 821665