The Bunny Camp Newsletter is brought to you by Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
in support of The Bunny Camp Sanctuary, who kindy let it feature on Rabbit Rehome. If you have any queries regarding the
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Christmas Edition Bunny Camp News
Volume 2 Number 12 December 2004
- All the latest from The Bunny Camp.
- Information on our sponsor buns
- Sponsorship form
- Open Day Pictures
- The Barbara Peters Page
- A fantastic new idea for the new year
- The recipe column
- A Bunny’s new year’s resolutions
- Bunny Humour
- The bunny camp calendar 2005
- Comment from our editor
- Bun of the month
- Flopsy Girl’s Agony Column
- Join the Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
- A reminder of who we are
Ø Bunny Camp News is produced by the Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
Ø In support of The Bunny Camp Sanctuary.
All The Latest from The Bunny Camp
Could you give a bun a home? These are just some of the buns we have that need
love and care from someone just like you.
Age: < 1
Sex: Male
Details: Description: Brown fur, quite fluffy, about 2/3 months old, guess at medium sized when grown.
General health: Good. Needs to put on weight!
Temperament: Tame and friendly.
Type of home wanted: Indoor or outdoor, preferably with a bunny friend if outdoor. We don’t want Finley to be in an outdoor hutch at the moment as he’s so young and was unwell a few weeks ago. Although he’s now well we’d rather not expose him to low temperatures yet until he’s grown quite a lot more and gained more body fat.
Age: 1
Sex: Female
Details: Briony arrived at the sanctuary this week. She and Lottie were left behind when their owners fled their rented accommodation. Briony is an agouti-coloured lop. Her exact age is unknown but she is probably 1-2 yrs old. She can nip so best going to experienced owners
Age: < 1
Sex: Male
Details: Description: Pure-bred Polish.
General health: Excellent
Temperament: Highly strung
Type of home wanted: Experienced. Penrose didn’t quite make the breed standard. As you can see from the photo he’s a beautiful rabbit but typical of the breed in that he can nip so not suitable for children or inexperienced owners. In the right hands he will make a great pet. He’s now about 6 months old
Age: 4
Sex: Female
Details: Midnight came from a home where she was originally bought as a child’s pet. Initially looked after very well, the child is now a teenager and has lost interest in Midnight and although she is from a nice family, they feel it would be best for Midnight to find a new family where she has their full interest. Midnight is a nice natured bunny. |
Bunny Camp Sanctuary Sponsor Bunny Information
For a mere £1 per month, £12 for the year you can sponsor one of these gorgeous but poorly bunnies
and help towards their ongoing veterinary care.
BENJI. The sweetest little male Dwarf Lop bunny, age unknown but younger. Found wandering streets, was to be put to sleep. Came into Sanctuary 2.10.02 taken to Vets immediately. Sore eye connected to overgrown molars. In very poor condition and very underweight. Much better now. |
CHRYSTAL .Stunning female silver Dwarf Lop born approx 1.9.99. On arrival had cataract in left eye and one forming in right. Now totally blind. Was unwanted due to stroppy nature after her partner died. Fear aggression. |
ERICA. Cute and lovely natured female Dutch bunny born July 2002. Unwanted due to owners moving house. Had old, untreated brake on back right leg will have mobility problems and arthritis in the future. |
CLYDE. Very handsome, nice natured male English born approx September 96. Came from a breeders home unfortunately kept for 3 years in a shed with no attention just fed and watered. Very nervous and requires surgery to his teeth every few months. |
DUKE. Extremely placid and adorable male French lop born approx Feb 97. Arrived Feb 01 in shocking condition. Had lived in a 1 foot square box for 4 years. Had muscle wastage, poor skin and fur, mentally very unsure. Now partially sighted. |
BLUEBELL. Female, spayed Dutch bunny born approx Jan 2001. Came in with HUGO, has been in re-homing section since October 03 with minor eye problems but now has developed teeth and related eye problems therefore cannot be re homed. Will require ongoing Veterinary treatment. |
LITTLE JESS & MAZIE. 2 Female Guinea Pigs, LITTLE JESS just lost partner SPIKE, MAZIE came into Sanctuary as unwanted pet with bunny, the bunny died shortly after decided to pair up with LITTLE JESS and place on Sponsorship Scheme. |
HUGO. Very sweet natured male Blue Dutch bunny born Jan 2001. Belonged to a Breeder but due to ill health couldn’t cope. Was very well cared for and 1 of 10 who came in. HUGO suffers problems with his left eye due to teeth problems will need regular teeth checks. |
ELICIA. Female cross Netherland Dwarf/Dutch bunny age unknown, older rather than younger. Came from RSPCA in Leeds was a cruelty case. Very bad state with fractured back left toes, E CUNICULI, mites, spurs on teeth. Will require constant Veterinary treatment. Very sweet natured. |
IVORY & BAILEY. Ivory born November 01. Was found in a shed at 7 days old with 19 other rabbits all born through interbreeding. Ivory has severe malocclusion, has had front teeth removed. Bailey brought in at 8 weeks old was to be put to sleep, has misaligned jaw requires Veterinary treatment every 2 weeks. |
BONNY & BLOSSOM. 2 female white bunnies, Bonny Netherland Dwarf, Blossom cross Netherland Polish born approx 2000. Unfortunately these bunnies have been homed and re homed several times and keep coming back. Now permanently on Sponsor Scheme. |

Open day pictures
Next month, we will publish the financial breakdown of our recent open day, but for now, here are some pictures…
The Sponsor buns win some new friends
The bric-a-brac stall does a roaring trade
Sarah wraps up warm against the cold and rain
Jayne does her usual sterling job on the bunny products stall
Chris helps someone choose a cake
The Barbara Peters Page
Keep the bunnies safe at Christmas
Christmas comes but one a year, but can bring unknown dangers near…..
I don’t mean to sound dramatic, but when you decorate the house for Christmas, please take sensible precautions to make sure that our long eared friends stay safe…
Lights & Things
Christmas trees will have electric wires and lights, which bunnies can and will chew. If possible, put your Christmas tree in a room where Bunny doesn’t romp. If this isn’t possible, you can make your tree “off limits” to your rabbit through the use of a puppy pen or some other barrier. You can use the pen to section off the part of the room the tree is in from your rabbit. This will help keep you and your rabbit safe from chewed electrical cords and preserve your favourite Christmas bulbs as well.
For those of you who put up electrical decorations during Christmas, make sure the wires are well out of Bunny’s reach. One precaution you can take is to use plastic wire wrap or hose pipe to encase the wires. However, experience has shown that wire wrap will not necessarily prevent your rabbit from chewing through the plastic! After wrapping your wires, it would still be advisable to keep them out of Bunny’s reach.
Be alert to tinsel and garland which, if ingested, could cause tummy trouble or impactions. And be conscious of potpourri. Some rabbits enjoy nibbling on it.
While wrapping and opening presents, keep in mind that tape and ribbon are not good things for rabbits to eat, but they are especially attractive to some bunnies . However, you can give them white tissue paper and you’ll enjoy watching some happy playtime.
Ô ‘Tis the season for candles and fireplaces. Keep the first high out of reach and the other enclosed.
Look at your tree. Low hanging ornaments and lights are inviting toys. On lower limbs, use safe plastic or wooden ornaments they can play with (or steal) or use pen panels and surround the tree to keep bunny out. Always supervise closely when bunny is lose around the tree.
Watch out for low-lying chocolates & sweets, or your buns will have a feast! Coffee tables and end tables are usually low enough for a healthy bunny to easily hop up and partake of your festive offerings.
Company and Parties
Many families around this time have friends and family members for short or long visits. This will inevitably interrupt the routine and atmosphere that your rabbit has been used to. Plus, you may have family members who don’t understand house rabbits. Make sure you take the time to prepare both your company and your rabbit for what to expect.
For your rabbit, try to stick as close to his routine as possible. Make sure you remember to give your rabbit plenty of attention and reassurance. You may even want to move your rabbit to a quieter room while your company is visiting if your household is going to be a bit more active and noisier than usual.
For your company, lay down some ground rules – especially if you have children visiting. If you have guests that are particularly interested in visiting your rabbit, be cautious about letting them pick up your rabbit, poke their fingers in his cage or feeding him too many carrots. This is particularly true for small visitors who will be tempted to chase your bunny, try to pick up him/her, or inadvertently mishandle a bunny. Often, this is a good time to educate your friends and family about rabbits and rabbit behaviour.
With these precautions in mind, our bunnies wish you and yours a fun-filled, Christmas & New Year
A Fantastic Idea For The New Year
Not quite in time for Christmas, but a GREAT idea for gifts in the new year are the Bunny Camp hand decorated wooden kitchen items. Next month we will publish a full price list, and details of how to order, but for now, here is a picture of some of the things we have…
Feeding 2-foots recipe column
By Brambles Pack
As it is almost Chris Moose we though we would do something in honour of the occasion. When 2foots celebrate Chris Moose they tend to cook a ‘Gobble’ (2foots call them Turkeys) in the oven. This is very complicated and involves stuffing a bird (Blackberry and Hazel volunteered to do this but we decided that Turkey is very difficult to cook).
We then thought of cooking Chris Moose cake, which our 2foots make most years. But they haven’t made one since we adopted them and the buck 2-foot says it needs to be made in August or September. We decided that we would write this recipe next year so that it is in time for buns to make it for their 2foots next year.
The Doe 2foot suggested making chocolate log – But we prefer proper wood that you can chew. To cut a long story short we got Hawthorn and Marjoram (Margot’s new name) to go through the 2foots recipe books to find something Chris Moosey. They came up with ‘Stollen’ which is what German 2foots have for Chris Moose. We are not sure what German 2foots are (They might be a breed like you get English Buns).
Hawthorn also found a recipe for Mince Meat that is used to make Mince pies. Our 2foots always talk about them over Chris Moose. It has something to do with which ones are the best at the places that thy blow their big brassy things. So we thought we would do Mince pies.
Anyway we hope that all 2foots enjoy the food and wish all buns and 2foots a very merry Chris Moose (Don’t forget to send your 2foots to the pub for punishment if you don’t get enough toys).
- 1/8 of a food bowl (1/2oz) fresh yeast or 7g sachet fast action dried yeast
- Some (6 fl oz) tepid milk – warm cow stuff
- 3 Food bowls (12 oz) strong plain white flour
- 1 food bowl (4 oz) dried pellets
- 1 Netherland Dwarf earful (1tsp) salt
- ¾ of a Netherland |Dwarf earful (¾ tsp) ground mixed spice
- ½ a Food bowl (2 oz) butter
- 1 hay rack of clover hay
- finely grated rind of 1 lemon
- ¼ of a food bowl (1 oz) caster sugar
- 1 food bowl (4 oz) currants (Only 2oz are needed if the maker is a 2foot)
- A Selection of your favourite herbs
- 1 and a ½ food bowls (6 oz) raisins or sultanas (Again only half is needed if the maker isn’t a bunny)
- ¼ of a food bowl (1 oz) chopped mixed peel
- Bramble – a number of leaves
- 3/8 of a food bowl (1 ½ oz) flaked almonds
- A couple of slices of toast
- 1 egg mashed
- Some flowers – preferably edible ones
- melted butter, for brushing
- 1 and a half food bowls (6 oz) almond paste (marzipan)
- Icing sugar for dusting
You also need
- A Wire rack
- A sieve
- A Large mixing bowl
- An oven
- Some oil
- A feather duster
- If using fresh yeast, blend with the milk. Sift the flour, salt and spice into a large bowl and rub the butter in.
- Stir in the lemon rind, sugar, ½ the currants (2oz), ½ the raisins (3oz), mixed peel, almonds and fast-action dried yeast if using. Eat the other half of the currants and raisins whilst doing this if you get bored.
- Eat a food bowl of dried pellets as they taste nice…
- Make a well in the centre of the dry ingredients and add the yeast liquid or milk and egg. Note to make a well dig in the centre of the dry ingredients downwards towards the middle of the earth until you reach water. You might want to eat something whilst doing this. We recommend something high in energy like clover hay.
- Mash to form a soft dough, adding a little more milk if necessary. A sot doe is one that can be mashed without difficulty
- Turn out he dough onto a floured surface and, with floured paws (we recommend using either Asters, Marigolds or Nasturtiums), knead for 8-10 minutes until the dough s elastic and almost smooth. During this stage please feel free to eat the flowers. For a description of kneading please refer to October’s bunny camp and bread making.
- Place in an oiled bowl.
- Cover with oiled cling film and leave in a warm place until doubled in size (1 ½ - 2 hours) During this time eat some nice herbs and have a snooze
- Using floured paws (We think that you should use different flowers as a varied diet is good), knock down the dough (throw a doe onto the floor), then place on a lightly floured (we recommend roses) work surface and knead for 1-2 minutes only.
- Roll out the dough to a 10 inch square. Brush lightly with melted butter. Knead and roll out the almond paste to a strip about 9x4 inches and place down the centre of the dough. Fold the dough over the almond paste so that it just overlaps itself, sealing well. Pinch the ends together to enclose the almond paste. Place seam-side down, on a buttered baking sheet.
- Make a few shallow slits across the top with a sharp knife. Cover and leave in a warm place to prove and double in size about 30-45 minutes.
- Eat some toast and bramble
- Bake at 190°C, gas mark 5 for 40 minutes or until sounding hollow when tapped. Snooze till cooked
- Cool on a wire rack. Dust with icing sugar.
Mince pies
- 2 food bowls (8 oz) of short crust pastry
- lots of food bowls (¾ - 1lb) of Mincemeat
- a little egg white, beaten, till glazed
- caster sugar for sprinkling on everything
- Your favourite treat food
You also need
- A dented baking sheet
- An oven (which is hot)
- A light up box in the corner.
- A rolling pin
- Your 2-foots shoes.
- Something to cut with
- Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured (Yarrow or Borage as they are good for you) surface.
- Cut out 18 rounds with a 3inch fluted cutter and 18 smaller rounds with a 2 ¼ inch fluted cutter. Our 2foots tend to use a big glass and a little glass
- Line 2 ¼ inch pastry tins with the larger rounds and fill with mincemeat
- Dampen the edges of the small rounds with water (Hazel says weeing on them doesn’t work) and place firmly on top.
- Make a slit in the top of each – scratching the top with your claws also works
- Bake at 200 °C, gas mark 6 for 10 minutes. During this time watch the light up box in the corner.
- Brush with egg white and sprinkle with caster sugar.
- Return to the oven for 5-10 minutes, until light golden brown. Eat some treats whilst waiting for this to happen or just leave squishy poo’s into your 2foots shoes.
- Leave to cool on a wire rack.
- Serve dusted with a little more sugar.
As always please send us any recipes you wish to have mentioned to We will be happy to include the,. We would also like to say that no bunnies were harmed in the making of these products.
Merry Chris Moose to all
--- A Bunny’s new year resolutions ----
- A cuddle once in a while isn't going to kill me. I won't be held forever, and it's my own fault since I'm so cute.
- After my 2-foot has been on the floor petting me for forty-five minutes, I will refrain from nudging her ankle and grunting determinedly at her in order to elicit MORE petting when she gets up to make her dinner.
- As much as I love my brother, I do not need to show it to the world. Especially while on display at an Easter egg hunt so that my human has to come up with some sort of explanation for the little humans.
- Baby toys are not bunny toys.
- Being brushed to avoid hairballs is a good thing. I should not run in circles around my human to avoid it.
- Being chased with a net is not a game. I will not dance like crazy, shake my head and wiggle my ears in a fit of silliness while my 2-foot is trying to catch me.
- Going outside does not mean I have run of the entire neighbourhood.
- I am 5 pounds of rabbit. Claw trimming shouldn't take 2 days, 2 people and tranquilization (of me).
- I am a dwarf rabbit, not a tulip. I shouldn't sit between (or on top) them, even though there is room enough for me on top of the pot. If I'm found out, I will act guilty, and not pretend that it's perfectly normal.
- I am not a dog. I will stop tugging on shirts like a bulldog.
- I am not a Mexican jumping bean.
- I am the King Bunny. Therefore, I shall always be fed first. I must have my parsley before any other vegetable will be accepted. I will not thump, chew on anything bad, or throw things around when my 2-foot forgets these rules.
- I do not need to hop into the refrigerator every time the door is opened.
- I do not need to jump in with my 2-foot when she's bathing and then scratch her because I'm getting wet!
- I do not need to pounce on everything I see.
- I do not need to refuse to go to my cage for bed time till 2 in the morning.
- I do not need to take over the second shelf of the bookcase also. I already have the first one.
- I like a clean cage. I do not need to box, growl, lunge and bite at my 2-foot every time she cleans it, till she gets to the point of locking me in another room so she can clean my cage without my killing her.
- I really must stop leaping up on the sofa where unsuspecting people are sleeping.
- I will accept the traditional meaning of 'no!' and quit trying to continually redefine it.
- I will be more discreet. I will not pretend to pout after my 2-foots return from a trip, but then get caught leaping with joy when I thought they had left the room.
- I will honour both of my 2-foots. I will stop the routine of laughing at my buck 2-foot as he chases me with a rolled-up poster at bedtime, only to hop into the cage at my doe 2-foot’s verbal request.
- I will no longer sulk for 3 hours and make my 2-foot feel guilty for putting me in my house (because I love my house!) just because I bit her when she was herding me out of a dangerous situation!
- I will not actively refuse a treat, pushing it out of my cage in disgust, and then thump loudly and gnaw on my cage wire when everyone else gets one and I don't.
- I will not allow my cute Dutch girl mate stand guard at the bunny gate, flipping her eyelashes at the male slave, just to keep his mind off of me in the corner, eating the carpet.
- I will not attempt to escape my cage by climbing through the feeder.
- I will not be inspired by the New year’s resolution list to repeat ALL the items on the list.
- I will not beg my 2-foot’s friends/guests for treats with the pitiful look on my face that I am neglected and get no treats from her.
- I will not beg to be allowed into bed (ostensibly for a cuddle) and then nip the occupant until she leaps out shrieking.
- I will not bolt out the door as soon as my 2-foot opens it, taking refuge in the bushes where she can't catch me.
- I will not chew through the string latch that keeps my house closed at night.
- I will not disappear by fading into the shadows and then laugh at the 2-foots when they can't find me.
- I will not drive not just one but two roommates out of my human's apartment by destroying anything theirs, leaving currants in their shoes, spraying them on sight, growling, and leaving all sorts of presents in their beds and on their pillows. This is counterproductive, as it means my human has to work at least two different jobs to pay the bills, and this cuts into my snuggle time with her.
- I will not eat my poop then be so kind as to wash my 2-foot’s face!
- I will not enjoy scaring people to near death by jumping up to the window ledge, grunting and thumping to announce my presence.
- I will not escape from my cage in the middle of the night and hide out under the couch with my cousins, the dust bunnies.
- I will not follow my 2-foot down the hall without his knowing it.
- I will not growl at my parents when they try to give me my medicine.
- I will not hide in the cupboard so my 2-foot can't see me, then scare him to death when he sticks his hand in to feel around, and!
- I will not hurdle the baby gate.
- I will not ignore my toys until my 2-foot tries to play with them, then go into a rage at her insolence!
- I will not jump into my house to oversee my 2-foot when she cleans it out. She is doing her best.
- I will not jump into my litter box when I don't want to be caught and pretend it's the "safe place" or "time out."
- I will not jump out of my run whilst my 2-foot is filling my food dish. It gets her really worried, even if I don't go anywhere.
- I will not jump up the chimney or sit in the coal bucket. I just get dirty and it scares my 2-foot.
- I will not leap into my 2-foot’s lap when she wakes in the morning, shove my fuzzy face into her coffee cup and steal her precious cafe mocha, no matter how much chocolate she puts into it.
- I will not lie down on my side with my eyes half open and imitate a dead rabbit.
- I will not look really cute and snuggle into people's laps and then pee.
- I will not nuzzle my 2-foot affectionately and then attack her face.
- I will not openly groom my genitals in front of company.
- I will not pout and throw a fit every time the slaves leave town.
- I will not pretend I am the rabbit reincarnation of Harry Houdini and escape EVERY barrier set up to keep me in my special area.
- I will not pretend to fart just to get my 2-foots out of the house so I can be alone with my girlfriend.
- I will not push open the cupboard door and camp out in the dirty laundry.
- I will not rearrange my hay rack in unusual positions in the cage.
- I will not run half way up the stairs, turn around, give my 2-foot a cheeky look and then run the rest of the way up, just because I know I'm not allowed up there.
- I will not rush at my 2-foot growling and batting with my paws when she tries to pick up my food dish. She is trying to fill it not STEAL it.
- I will not scare my 2-foot by doing acrobatic tricks and then limping.
- I will not scare people who ring the doorbell by sitting in the window, pretending I'm not real, and then standing up and grooming myself.
- I will not scratch at the bedroom door to be let in when I *know* they're in there!
- I will not sit in the dining room and stare at the kitchen door every time my 2-foot walks in there. It doesn't necessarily mean I am getting something.
- I will not sit on my 2-foot’s sister's head when she is sleeping on the sofa bed, even if it is MY turf.
- I will not sneak into the neighbour’s apartment when my human isn't looking.
- I will not sneak up onto the window sill and jump hurdles over my 2-foot’s picture frames.
- I will not throw my treat out the window if it isn't exactly what I was hoping for.
- I will not thump at my 2-foot when she has to get her work done. (This also goes for peeing on the floor, biting the computer cables, grunting, and running into her feet).
- I will not wait until I am completely soaked from the water gun to stop being naughty.
- I will refrain from being exceedingly cute on the outside and exceedingly evil on the inside.
- I will stop conspiring to get into places with my boyfriend. I will stop engineering it so that I knock down the barrier, and he provides the mobile distraction while I devour all the house plants.
- I will stop giving my 2-foot thumps when she pets/holds/brushes/looks at me. Or looks in my general direction.
- I will stop sleeping in the hay rack as it completely confuses my 2-foot how the heck I got in there in the first place and if and how I'll ever manage to get out there again.
- I will try to understand that when my 2-foot pushes me off her bed repeatedly, this means "no" and I shouldn't jump on her head over and over again.
- I will wear my rabbit harness without giving the impression that I am a bucking bronco and must be tackled to the floor whenever it is in plain sight.
- I'm not allowed on the sofa. I know this and therefore will not jump on it when no one's about. If I do, I will not try to pretend I wasn't there by jumping off the sofa as soon as someone walks in.
- If my 2-foot fails to release me from my cage immediately when she wakes up in the morning, I will not go temporarily insane and rip fur out of my neck for the next two hours.
- If my 2-foot gives me extra petting time one day, I will not sulk if I don't get the same attention the next day.
- Just because my 2-foot will not give me the biscuit she is eating does not mean I have to growl and thump.
- Lying on my back getting my belly rubbed is a good thing. I shouldn't fight it; they are not trying to kill me.
- My girlfriend is for mounting, not my 2-foot’s foot.
- My 2-foot’s forearms are not sexy.
- My philosophy shouldn't be "what's yours is MINE, and what's mine is ALL MINE".
- Rabbits stay downstairs. We will not scale baby gates to go upstairs
- There are no lost children, rabbits, 2-foots or even planes that need help finding their way through the hall, so there is no need for me to keep "marking the trail".
- There will be no more dead bunny flops!
- I will not bite my 2-foot for no reason.
- When my 2-foot comes to give me a treat and smells like another bunny that I do not know or like, I will not bite her and then still expect to get the raisin.
- When my 2-foot says bedtime, that means get to your cage, not run under the futon, then into the basement, then to the cat tree, then back under the futon and repeat a few dozen times, THEN go to my cage and thump and growl at her.
- When my human squirts me with the water bottle for chewing on my linoleum cage floor, I will not turn around and drink the spray as though I don't have a full water bottle 6 inches away. I most certainly will not follow this impudence by flipping my feet as I hop away.
- When my 2-foot squirts me with the water bottle, I will stop committing that particular crime and not sneak back to do it again as soon as I think her back is turned.
--- Bathroom (Mis)Behaviour ---
- I will not be a voyeuristic rabbit. I will not stand in the bathroom doorway and watch my 2-foot pee or dry off after a shower.
- I will not chew my 2-foot’s clothes while she is in the bathtub, unable to stop me from doing so.
- I will not jump into the toilet and leave great splashes of water all over the clean floor. My 2-foot not only doesn't like giving me a bath every time I decide to take a plunge, but also is scared I'll drown.
- The bathroom door is closed for a reason. I do not have to nudge it open with my nose just to see what's going on in there.
- We will not accompany our 2-foot to the toilet and watch what she is doing there. And we will not grab the lose end of the toilet paper roll and zigzag off with it.
--- Bodily Functions ---
- Fireplaces are not toilets.
- Getting my claws trimmed does not hurt and helps me hop better. My 2-foot should not need to sneak up on me to accomplish this, one toe at a time.
- I do not need to poop on my 2-foot’s carpet, even though it is fun to hear her scream.
- I do not need to sit on the top of the cage to pee in my litter. I can actually go inside the cage and sit in my litter.
- I do not need to wait until I'm out of my cage to go to the bathroom.
- I must not pee on my 2-foot’s pillow. Particularly not while he's sleeping on it.
- I should not prefer cats, dogs, hedgehogs, geese, or 2-foot’s legs as my partners. I have a girlfriend. She is the same species as I am.
- I will let my 2-foot clean my scent glands without a huge fuss. If they don't get cleaned, they smell awful and then it just takes her longer to clean me.
- I will never again attempt to get all the teddy bears pregnant if I can ever have that surgery reversed.
- I will never spray on my 2-foot again.
- I will not attack and spray the stuffed animals.
- I will not choose to pee on the sofa every time I am lucky enough to be allowed up there especially when I have demonstrated excellent litter box etiquette everywhere else in the house.
- I will not get pitiful hiccups to demonstrate how neglected I am, and stop them immediately when I get some attention.
- I will not go to the bathroom in one corner of the room every time I am let out of my cage.
- I will not hop while pooping outside of my litter box, leaving a nice trail of poopies for my 2-foot to find later.
- I will not hump my 2-foot’s slippers when they are on her feet.
- I will not intentionally pee on 2-foots I don't like.
- I will not leave rabbit poop in the bowl of chocolate-covered peanuts, even if the 2-foots deserve it by leaving me alone on the weekend and "forcing" me to escape from my cage in quest of food.
- I will not lick up my urine and then hop over to my 2-foot’s face to lick it.
- I will not pee in front of my litter box, and then when yelled at, jump into my litter box and sit there like nothing has happened.
- I will not pee on any floppy disks inadvertently left on the floor.
- I will not pee on my 2-foot’s bed because she won't pay attention to me
- I will not pee on the bathmat after my bottom get washed.
- I will not pee on the contents of my litter box that I have just thrown on the floor that my 2-foot has just cleaned up.
- I will not pee on the floor immediately after it has been cleaned.
- I will not pee on the mail.
- I will not pee outside the box, no matter how creative I am feeling.
- I will not pee under the 2-foot’s bed.
- I will not poop on my buck 2-foot’s side of the bed and then pull the sheets up to cover it.
- I will not poop while running, inadvertently throwing poop into my 2-foot’s face.
- I will not render opinions of The Economist or The Nation by pooping on them.
- I will not scratch earwax deep out of my ear and then lick it off my toes.
- I will not spray my 2-foot after she gets out of the shower.
- I will stop playing "Guess how many turds I can pile all in one spot?" when I am out on the rug
- Just because my human puts down a towel in my cage at night to make me comfy does not mean I have to bunch it up in the corner and then pee all over it.
- Just because my sister peed in the corner on the new carpet doesn't mean I have to too.
- My 2-foot’s lap really isn't a good place to pee. It produces loud squealing noises and results in me getting put back in the cage.
- 2 foot’s do not find bunny farts sexy, especially during hot summer days.
- Our 2-foot already knows that her room really is our room, so we can STOP marking it.
- The cell phone is not for mating. We are all altered anyways.
- The picture window is not for me to spray at whenever it's decorated for a season.
- There is more than one litter box. If one is dirty, we can find another; we don't need to go beside the box.
Bunny Humour
2005 BunnyCamp Calender Only £5 (including p&p)
The 2005 bunny camp calendar is available from
The Bunny Camp Sanctuary,
4 Stoney Ridge Avenue,
West Yorkshire
 End column By Dandy
A Year To Be Proud Of
This year has been a great one for bunny camp. We have a new fence round the sanctuary, electricity in the brand new sponsor bunny accommodation, and the start of replacing all of the old wooden cages in the rabbitry with fantastic new stainless steel ones. 0
There have been sad times too of course, we lost some old friends on the sponsorship scheme, and more ill bunnies have come along that have now been included, but despite everything, Bunny Camp goes from strength to strength.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this special Christmas edition of Bunny Camp News, and that you will tell all of your friends about us.
Read Dandy's live journal at
Bun of the month
Flopsy Girl’s Problem Page
Dear Flopsy Girl...
I am a Lion head bun with broken English Markings. Recently I have had an injury and have had some of my nice pretty fur removed. The injury has healed but I am still missing some of my nice long fur... How do I get it to grow back quicker?
Yours Cowslip
Dear Cowslip. Why on earth do you want to make your fur grow back quicker? I myself had all the fur around my bottom and my tail shaved away this week as that helps me to keep clean, but I told Dandy that it was a fashion statement. Enjoy your new look, it makes you an individual.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
I am a Buck rabbit who has health issues. I am looking for some foots to adopt me and my girl but no 2-foot wants to have me. I am a very old and gentle boy. What can I do to get more 2-foots interested in being adopted by me? I am a member of the RSPCA buns and we do apologise for not posting anything more about us as we find it very difficult to get to a 'puter.
Your name sake Flopsey
A Boy named Flopsey! Are you really surprised that no 2-foot will take you on? I suggest that you change your name to something like Rambo and start acting like a real buck.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
Aunty Flopsy
Questions, Questions my life so far has been Questions.
Maybe this is because I’m only a baby!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Kracker. The good news is that you will soon grow up, and give the rest of us some peace
Dear Flopsy Girl...
We have been trying to extend our 2-foots burrow and make a baze mint like our friend Merridoe has got. However whenever we do this the 2-foots shout at us. Have you got any tips on how we can distract the 2-foots so work can continue?
Bittersweet and Henbane
This seems to me to be very simple. All you need to do to distract your 2-foots is for one of you to pretend to be dead. While they are fussing round trying to revive you, the other one can dig.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
That cold white stuff fell this past weekend here in Nev-ah-duh. Arwen's 2-foots let them play outside in it. My 2-foots think they saw some bunny prints. They are so stupid, having had bunnies for so many years, yet they wondered why bunnies hop the way they do?
Oh Bunnybunny, that’s an easy one to answer. We hop the way we do because it makes the 2-foots love us all the more, which means that we get more food & treats.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
We want to know how we can stop our 2 foot spraying stuff that tastes horrible on the wooden furniture we like to eat.
Willow and Casper
This is a tricky one, but there is no problem that cannot be solved with a bit of careful planning. The thing to do is only chew the bits of furniture that are out of sight, like the underneath, or the back. That way, the 2-foots will not know that you are doing it, and they will stop spraying the horrible stuff.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
Hi, Flopsy! Can you tell me what's going on around here lately? There's all sparkly stuff around the burrow and the 2-foot I call Mom BUILT a tree in the Lively Room! It's all very strange! I keep hearing stories of a Giant Elf 2-foot with Sandy Claws. Should I hide or will he be friendly? – Merridoe
Hello Merry, nice to hear from you again. You have nothing to worry about, it’s just the 2-foots being stupid. They believe in all kinds of things that are not real, why ours even believe that they are actually in charge instead of us! This tree business is just a ritual that they go through every year called “swearing at the lights” They put up a ridiculous tree in the house, and then put lights on it that they KNOW will not work, just so they can swear and curse. The good thing though is that at this time of year, there are usually extra treats & presents for everybun.
If you have a question for Flopsy Girl, please send her an e-mail to :-
Flopsy Girl will be happy to help 2-foots with their problems as well as rabbits, or any other animals.
Why not join us?
The Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group meet about once a month, usually in a child friendly
pub (yes Sonya brings her kids!). We talk about Bunny Camp and plans for the future, but we do
not just confine ourselves to that. We are a general talking shop for all things rabbit, and
would love to welcome any Bunny Camp News readers to join us.
If you would like details of where and when we meet, then call Allison Girt on 0113 239 7408
(evenings), or e-mail her on :
Who we Are
Here at the Bunny Camp Sanctuary, we strive to provide a safe haven for rabbits who,
through no fault of their own, end up here because they have been mistreated or neglected,
or simply because their owners can no longer look after them.If you are interested in
re-homing or sponsoring any of the gorgeous creatures that we have, or simply wish to make
a donation to this worthwhile cause, please contact:
Sonya and Jim McDonough
4 Stoney Ridge Avenue,
BradfordWest Yorkshire
Tel: (0044) 01274 821665