The Bunny Camp Newsletter is brought to you by Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
in support of The Bunny Camp Sanctuary, who kindy let it feature on Rabbit Rehome. If you have any queries regarding the
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Volume 3 Number 1 – January 2005
A New Look For Bunny Camp News
It seems incredible, but Bunny Camp News is now into its 3rd year of publication, so it is high time we had a revamp and a new look. All your favourite features will still be included of course, but rather than just have the contents on the front page, your editor Dandy decided that there ought to be some content, so here it is.
In the following pages, you will find details of buns looking for new homes, stuff about our sponsor buns, recipes, tips, and a host of other things, such as our new feature highlighting information from the Rabbit Welfare Association, and not forgetting of course the ever popular “Flopsy Girl’s Problem Page”.
So pull up a chair, put your feet up, and enjoy the very 1st Bunny Camp News of 2005
Bunny camp Sanctuary’s Highlights and Achievements of 2004
We had a very busy and full year and thought you would like to know what we had achieved, We re-homed two rabbits that had been with us for a while, Penny had been here for two years and Pollyanna for a year and are pleased that they now have new and loving homes.
The rabbitry had 8 new aluminium cages, they have been designed by Sonya and are very special, they will not rust, are roomy and better for the bunnies. We have a new Memorial Wall on the side of the rabbitry where you can buy a plaque to remember your lost but never forgotten bunny plus a new Plaque on the front of the house both have been beautifully done and donated by a volunteer. The front rabbitry window has been painted with bunnies and we have a new fridge/freezer.
Outside on the patios new pens have been bought that slot together and can be erected anywhere and the sponsored bunnies have their own special houses. Sonya has customised them with a shelf so that the bunnies can look out of the window; most of them have been paired up and look very contented with their new homes and partners. We had electricity laid down to the Sponsor Units with a spotlight on the patio and every bunny home has a heater the labour was gifted by Derek Raistrick with thanks.
We had a double page spread in the Telegraph and Argos with photos of the bunnies and the family which obviously made the people of West Yorkshire aware of the Bunny camps existence and on our July Open Day despite the downpours we had loads of people coming to see us not realising there was a bunny sanctuary in Bradford. Sonya and family managed to rear two litters of wild rabbits whose home had been dug up by a J.C.B. during building work nearby, they were successfully released in an appropriate place.
Hello and Goodbye
HELLO to three new bunnies who will go on to the Sponsored Scheme. We had Pat a black buck, Alicia a very cute black and white doe and Fabia another black and white doe.
GOODBYE we miss you so to Biscuit, Sapphire, Smokey
Jason Alicia and Spike the guinea pig, we have such fond memories of you all some of you we have known for years and some of you for a few short months but however long you were with us we miss you all so much.
And who could forget the Open Days, July was a torrent of rain and December was absolutely freezing but despite that December was the best ever total and for the two Open days we raised almost £3.000 which will help to keep the sanctuary running. Of course we could not do all these things without all of our helpers and all the people who donate money and their time for the Sanctuary so a huge thank you to everyone and keep up the good work for 2005 and make it the best year ever at The Bunnycamp Sanctuary
Nearly forgot to tell you about the wonderful 2005 calendar
It’s full of lovely photos of our stunning bunnies and you can still order one for just £5.00 postage paid, go on treat yourself. Here’s wishing you all a very Happy and Healthy 2005
Well the November OPEN DAY couldn’t have been better and as you will see raised more money than any other despite the poor weather. Jim and I would like to say the biggest thank you to all you generous people for your support; the sanctuary could not survive without you.
The day was a huge success and we found homes for seven of the bunnies. Six of the seven bunnies have now moved to their new homes after successful home visits and Mercadies will be going shortly.
We would like to say a big thank you also to everyone who gave up their time to help on the day as without your help it would be impossible to host these days so give yourselves a big pat on the back as this was the best day yet.
Our final total raised as a result of the day was a WHOPPING
SPONSORSHIP | £179.00 |
RAFFLE | £130.93 |
KITCHEN £81.95 |
BUNNY PRODUCTS | £230.52 |
BRIC A BRAC | £246.76 |
CAKES | £93.80 |
CARDS | £114.00 |
CALENDARS | £129.00 |
DONATIONS | £240.00 |
| --------- |
TOTAL | £1551 |
After the fantastic success of the November OPEN DAY the sanctuary was hit with great sadness as on the following Wednesday ALICIA one of our newest SPONSOR BUNNIES sadly passed away. Anyone who came to the open day will have known she was ill and under treatment. She was readmitted to the vets on the Tuesday and had further tests and x-rays which showed lung abscesses which had not responded to any treatment and nothing else could be done for her. I went straight over to the vets to see her and the nurse brought her into me, she looked so frail and I couldn’t hold back the tears. She lifted her head and looked at me with a peaceful and contented look then lay her head down on my arm and slipped away.
Alicia is at peace over the rainbow bridge; she had five fantastic months with us and was shown what being loved was all about after her very cruel start in life.
We were just starting to come to terms with loosing Alicia when tragedy struck at the Sanctuary again on Thursday 6th January when BENJI also passed over the rainbow bridge. Benji had been having problems with his left eye for a long time and eventually due to a huge abscess behind the eye had to have it removed the surgery went very well and he recovered straight away. The wound was healing well and the vet was pleased, he was eating everything and his high spirited personality shone however he continued to loose weight. On a routine visit to the vets on the 6th January Benji suddenly collapsed and passed away in my arms.
He is now with Alicia and all the other bunnies now. Like Alicia Benji had experienced severe cruelty before coming to the sanctuary and was for termination when the sanctuary took him in he had two fabulous years here and had two great flatmates who miss him greatly.
It is with great sadness that I announce the retirement of Jane my dearest friend. I met Jane five years ago after an article in the local paper. Jane had a bunny called Chloe and she was looking for a companion for her so contacted me after reading the article, we must have spent about two hours talking about bunnies on the phone that night. It was obvious she had my passion for these gorgeous creatures.
A couple of days later Jim and I visited Jane’s home and that was the beginning of a great friendship. I had so many ideas for the sanctuary but no time to do anything about it. The bunnies took up all my time and in those days we took in up to 100 bunnies however Jane’s ability to produce fund raising ideas and then put them into practice was unbelievable and in the first year we had a large play area for the permanent residents, paved and fenced and a lovely unit with purpose built cages in it.
This was the beginning, we started with two OPEN DAYS a year and in the second years Jane came up with an idea to enable us to pay the vet bills for the permanent residents, THE SPONSORSHIP SCHEME, this has been an extremely successful venture and will be with us forever. This was Jane’s Baby and she has single-handedly run this scheme for four years and done an amazing job.
As well as the above she organised and arranged for the two other play areas to be paved and fenced. Once all the play areas were completed Jane came up with another brilliant idea BUY A BRICK APPEAL this was to raise the money to build on an extension to the main rabbitry. This was done within six months and a kitchen area was installed to provide running water and extra electrics were also added.
I have only mentioned the big ventures Jane completed, it would take me days to list all the work Jane has done.
Jane is retiring at the end of January and it is something she regrets doing however her health no longer allows her to continue the long hours she spent every day working on the SPONSORSHIP SCHEME and all the other work behind the scenes for open days, talks etc.
I want to say the biggest THANK YOU to you Jane for all your dedication and hard work you will be greatly missed. I am sure Jane wouldn’t mind me letting you know that Bobbie is going to take over the scheme with my help so thank you Bobbie for this.
Hi my name is Bluebell and I came from a breeder and am related to Hugo. I came into the re-homing centre at the Bunny Camp Sanctuary and was put on reserve after a few months, not surprising really as I am a stunner, a blue Dutch with a lovely soft nature.
I had a sore eye that needed to be treated before I could be released into my new home however further investigations revealed my teeth were growing up into my eye sockets and would need ongoing veterinary treatment for the rest of my life.
After long talks with my prospective new owners it was decided I would stay at the sanctuary and join Clyde on the SPONSORSHIP SCHEME. I now live in one of the bunny chalets, and I am a very contented bunny spending most of my days licking Clyde (my groom) on the top of his head.
If you would like to find out more about me then sponsor me I am an adorable bunny. You will find a sponsorship form overleaf.
Thank you.
Now that Christmas is past, and another year is upon us, it’s time to think about what 2005 is going to bring. For the residents of Bunny Camp, it could either bring happiness in a new loving home, or a long stay waiting for a chance to show someone how rewarding caring for a bun can be. Could you give a chance to any of the current residents?
Age: < 1
Sex: Male
Details: Description: Brown fur, quite fluffy, about 2/3 months old, guess at medium sized when grown.
General health: Good. Needs to put on weight!
Temperament: Tame and friendly.
Type of home wanted: Indoor or outdoor, preferably with a bunny friend if outdoor. We don’t want Finley to be in an outdoor hutch at the moment as he’s so young and was unwell a few weeks ago. Although he’s now well we’d rather not expose him to low temperatures yet until he’s grown quite a lot more and gained more body fat.
A litter of five babies
- 3 males, 2 females. 3 are completely white,(2 males- Murray & Kendal), 1 female (Pearl) 1 fawn & white male (Paddington), 1 black & white female (Fiona). Fluffy coats but not long haired. Possibly a bit of angora/lion head somewhere in their genes! Born 11.10.04
General health: Good
Temperament: Fairly tame
Type of home wanted: Good loving homes
Black and white Harlequin cross General health: Good
Temperament :very lively and active.
Type of home wanted: Storm was found wandering in Bradford. He looks like a young rabbit and in good health. He is not very keen on being picked up but obviously this will improve as he is handled more.
Brown and white English cross
General health: Good
Temperament: Nice natured
Type of home wanted: Loving home where she will get plenty of cuddles and exercise
Bunny Camp Sanctuary Sponsor Bunny Information
For a mere £1 per month, £12 for the year you can sponsor one of these gorgeous but poorly bunnies
and help towards their ongoing veterinary care.
BENJI. The sweetest little male Dwarf Lop bunny, age unknown but younger. Found wandering streets, was to be put to sleep. Came into Sanctuary 2.10.02 taken to Vets immediately. Sore eye connected to overgrown molars. In very poor condition and very underweight. Much better now. |
CHRYSTAL .Stunning female silver Dwarf Lop born approx 1.9.99. On arrival had cataract in left eye and one forming in right. Now totally blind. Was unwanted due to stroppy nature after her partner died. Fear aggression. |
ERICA. Cute and lovely natured female Dutch bunny born July 2002. Unwanted due to owners moving house. Had old, untreated brake on back right leg will have mobility problems and arthritis in the future. |
CLYDE. Very handsome, nice natured male English born approx September 96. Came from a breeders home unfortunately kept for 3 years in a shed with no attention just fed and watered. Very nervous and requires surgery to his teeth every few months. |
DUKE. Extremely placid and adorable male French lop born approx Feb 97. Arrived Feb 01 in shocking condition. Had lived in a 1 foot square box for 4 years. Had muscle wastage, poor skin and fur, mentally very unsure. Now partially sighted. |
BLUEBELL. Female, spayed Dutch bunny born approx Jan 2001. Came in with HUGO, has been in re-homing section since October 03 with minor eye problems but now has developed teeth and related eye problems therefore cannot be re homed. Will require ongoing Veterinary treatment. |
LITTLE JESS & MAZIE. 2 Female Guinea Pigs, LITTLE JESS just lost partner SPIKE, MAZIE came into Sanctuary as unwanted pet with bunny, the bunny died shortly after decided to pair up with LITTLE JESS and place on Sponsorship Scheme. |
HUGO. Very sweet natured male Blue Dutch bunny born Jan 2001. Belonged to a Breeder but due to ill health couldn’t cope. Was very well cared for and 1 of 10 who came in. HUGO suffers problems with his left eye due to teeth problems will need regular teeth checks. |
ELICIA. Female cross Netherland Dwarf/Dutch bunny age unknown, older rather than younger. Came from RSPCA in Leeds was a cruelty case. Very bad state with fractured back left toes, E CUNICULI, mites, spurs on teeth. Will require constant Veterinary treatment. Very sweet natured. |
IVORY & BAILEY. Ivory born November 01. Was found in a shed at 7 days old with 19 other rabbits all born through interbreeding. Ivory has severe malocclusion, has had front teeth removed. Bailey brought in at 8 weeks old was to be put to sleep, has misaligned jaw requires Veterinary treatment every 2 weeks. |
BONNY & BLOSSOM. 2 female white bunnies, Bonny Netherland Dwarf, Blossom cross Netherland Polish born approx 2000. Unfortunately these bunnies have been homed and re homed several times and keep coming back. Now permanently on Sponsor Scheme. |

This months Rabbit Welfare Association leaflet
The Rabbit Welfare Fund - Why?
Bunny Humour
Bunny Camp News Recipe Column
The following recipe was submitted by Merridoe
“Shakes Like a Cake Full of Jelly!” low fat cake
Since the 2-foots have a tendency to eat too much during the Holly Daze, here’s a recipe that’s light and fluffy like a bunny! Remember, good maintenance of a pet 2-foots includes keeping them the right size. If they’re a proper weight, they can get you your food faster! Don’t worry – they still can’t catch you!
This is an easy recipe ‘cause my 2-foots get lazy sometimes.
A box of Angel Cake mix (the “just add water” stuff)
A box of Jelly gelatine mix (any flavour –green is festive!)
A can of fruit stuff used in pies (I like cherries)
A tub of low fat whipped cream (or, for those who have less lazy 2-foots, the real stuff works, too!)
A glass box (oven) that you can bake the cake in
Spoons to measure and throw around (the silver ones are best – they make the most noise)
*sprinkles – optional
Parsley (for the buns)
Raisins (also for the buns)
More parsley (again…)
Chew open the cake mix box. Add water, as the directions indicate, and mix up the Batter (that means putting your paws in the gooey stuff and pushing it back and forth).
Have your 2-foot put the cake in the oven and cook it until it turns into a cake.
Eat parsley for energy.
Since it’ will now be dangerously hot, have your 2-foot take the cake out of the oven once it’s a cake. Let it cool.
Eat raisins to pass the time while it’s cooling.
Chew open the Jelly box. Have your 2-foot boil the water and get the Jelly ready as if you were making jelly to eat. Add the cold water, too and mix with paws.
Drizzle Jelly on top of cooled cake. (Drizzling is like when it rains and wet stuff falls all over from the sky.)
Spread the fruit mix on top of the cake. Lick the spoon when it’s all spread out.
Spread the whipped cream on top to make a pretty white topping like Snow. You can also put some sprinkles on top of that to be fancy.
Throw spoons around since you won’t need them again. Hide one somewhere to play with later.
Put it in the Fridge (Cold Box) for about an hour.
Eat more parsley while it’s jelling.
Eat cake.
Hoppy Holly Daze from Merridoe and her pet 2-foots!
Bunny camp recipe column, - January
By Bramblespack
Well this month we though we would go to Mexico. Mexico is a hot sunny place with lots and lots of spicy things. Also as Hawthorn has recently re-joined the pack with his new girlfriend Marjoram (formerly Margot of bunny camp) and he likes spicy food we thought it would be a good idea.
Today’s recipe involves dangerous ingredients like chilli that can really sting if you get them in the wrong place. We therefore suggest that you supervise your 2-foots and don’t do any of the cooking.
We have decided to make Broccoli Enchiladas in a Mild Chilli Salsa, a classic salsa of Salsa Cruda. This can all be served with a nice salad.
For the Broccoli Enchiladas in Mild Chilli Salsa you will need:
- 8 food bowls (2 lb) of broccoli florets
- 4 food bowls (1lb) of nice juicy broccoli stems
- 2 food bowls (8oz) of ricotta cheese
- 1 garlic clove
- ½ neddie earful of ground cumin
- 1 ½ to 2 food bowls of grated cheddar cheese
- 6 to 8 rex earfuls (6-8 tbsp) freshly grated Parmesan cheese
- 1 egg, mashed
- 4 to 6 flour tortillas
- Vegetable oil for greasing
- 1 quantity of Mild Red Chilli Sauce (see below)
- Some (8fl oz) chicken or vegetable stock
- ½ onion, finely chopped
- 3-4 plants of coriander
- 3 ripe tomatoes, diced
- Salt and pepper
- A pan
- A large bowl
- Sombrero as all Mexicans wear one
- Another pan, preferably one that’s been sat on (frying pan)
- Ovenproof dish
What you do
- Bring a pan of salted water to the boil, add 1lb of broccoli florets, bring back to the boil and blanch for 1 minute drain refresh under cold running water, then drain again. Dice – As the boiling water is hot we suggest that you get your 2foot to do this for you
- eat some of the remaining broccoli
- Mix the cooked broccoli with the ricotta cheese, garlic, cumin, half the cheddar and half the parmesan in a bowl – Mash them together well
- Mix in the egg and season with salt and pepper – This is a bit like adding winter or summer to your 2foots meal. If adding winter then also add large numbers of ice cubes.
- Eat some coriander
- Heat the tortillas in a lightly greased non-stick frying pan, then wrap in kitchen foil. – Again this is hot so your 2foot should do this. Remember to bite them for not showing you enough attention half way through.
- Fill the tortillas with the broccoli mixture, and ten roll them up – Be careful not to get this all over your fur
- Arrange the tortilla rolls in an ovenproof dish, and then pour the mild chilli sauce over the top.
- Pour over the stock
- Top with the remaining Cheddar and Parmesan cheeses and bake in a preheated oven at 190°C / 375°F / Gas Mark 5 for about 30 minutes.
- Serve sprinkled with the onion, 3-4 rex earfuls (3-4 tbsp) of coriander and tomatoes.
- Eat any remaining edible ingredients
- We also serve with a nice salad and a salsa (See next page)
Salsa Cruda
- 6-8 ripe tomatoes, finely chopped
- 3-4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
- 4 bunches of fresh coriander
- Pinch of sugar
- 3-4 fresh green chillies, such as jalapeno or serrano, de-seeded and finely chopped
- ½ - 1 neddie earful (tsp) ground cumin
- 3-4 spring onions finely chopped
- Salt
- Bowl
What you do
- stir all the ingredients except only ½ to 1 bunch fresh coriander in a bowl, adding salt to taste
- cover and chill till required
- eat the rest of the coriander
We have found that you can vary the amount of garlic, chillies and ground spices to the taste of your 2foots
Mild Red Chilli Sauce
- 5 large fresh mild chillies, such as New Mexico or ancho
- A lot (16fl oz) of vegetable or chicken stock
- 1 tbsp masa harina or 1 crumbled corn tortilla, pureed with enough water to make a thin paste
- Several large handfuls of mizuna
- Large pinch of ground cumin
- 1-2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
- Juice of 1 lime
- Salt
What to do
- Using metal tongs, roast each chilli over an open flame until the colour darkens on all sides. Alternatively place the chillies under a preheated grill, turning them frequently. This is dangerous so get your 2foot to do this and then poke them so they burn themselves – Apologies for this but Bittersweet has started to become a little power mad…
- Put the chillies in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Cover and leave the chillies to cool
- Eat some mizuna
- Put the stock in a pan and bring to a simmer
- When the chillies have cooled and are swelled up and softened, remove from the water with a slotted spoon.
- Remove the seeds from the chillies, then cut or tear the flesh into pieces and place in a blender or food processor. Process to form a puree, then mix in the hot stock
- Put the chilli and stock mixture in a pan.
- Add the masa harina or pureed tortilla, cumin, garlic and lime juice. Bring to the boil and cook for a few minutes, stirring, until the sauce has thickened.
- Adjust the seasoning
- Lettuce – loose leaf variety or Cos type such as Romaine
- Mizuna
- Rocket
- Mustard
- Lollo Rossa
- Cucumber
What to do
- Chop the loose leaf lettuce and cucumber up and put on the plates
- Eat the rest of the ingredients.
The Barbara Peters Page
Well first of all, I would like to take the opportunity to wish a happy new year to one and all. I must confess that 2004 was not one of my best years, but I have high hopes that 2005 will be much better for all of us.
Whenever things start to get me down, I turn to natural remedies, and often these are even more effective for the buns than they are for us 2-foots!
After all the stress and upheaval of the Christmas season, now is a very good time to talk about the calming properties of lavender. I have mentioned before that lavender has wonderful calming properties if you leave sprigs of it around restless buns, but there is a more specific use that I would like to tell you about this month. If you have two buns that are not getting along too well, then try smearing lavender oil down the back of each bun from just behind the ears, right down to just above the tail. The lavender masks the smell of each bun, and with any luck, this is often all that is needed to get them together long enough to make friends.
Hello everybun. First of all, I’m afraid I have some very bad news. My darling Flopsy Girl went to the rainbow bridge shortly after completing her problem page for this months Bunny Camp News. I’m sure you will agree with me that she did her usual fantastic job. I hope that we will be able to keep the problem page going, I will just have to find somebun else to write it…
I hope that you like your new look Bunny Camp News, and that you will all enjoy reading it through the coming year and beyond. It is our job to spread the word about rabbits, and how they should be cared for, so don’t forget that every reader can help to educate those who don’t know how best to look after their bun.
I really appreciate all the help that I get putting Bunny Camp news. Without your stories, recipes, photos, and letters to Flopsy Girl there would not be a newsletter, so please keep it all coming.
I’d like to give a special mention to Sonya & Jim who continue to give all of their time to looking after the buns at Bunny Camp, so if sometimes Sonya does not have time to write articles & stuff, it’s because she has other priorities.
I’d also like to thank all the volunteers who freely give as much of their time as they can to help out at Bunny Camp, but especially Alison who not only helps out at Bunny Camp, but organizes the Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group too.
If you would like to see first hand what it’s all about, why not drop Alison an e-mail I’m sure that she would be very pleased to tell you all about the group and where and when meetings are held.
Bun of the month
Flopsy Girl who left for the rainbow bridge on Monday 10th January.
Flopsy Girl’s Problem Page
First of all I have a question from Merridoe:-
Dear Flopsy Girl...
I have a question about Days
Flopsy Girl (who is indeed very wise) why some days are short and some days are longer. Why can't they just all be the same? I've noticed that the darkness seems to come quicker now that it's chilly, but WHY?
This is a very good question. The answer of course is that like most things in this world that don’t make sense, it’s all the fault of the 2-foots. They are always messing about sending things up into the sky, and that causes the days to go all wonky, and for the weather to get cold.
Now for another anonymous question, but I think I know well enough who it is from.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
I live with a doe who I really love, but she has a rather annoying habit. Each time my pet 2-foot gives me a treat such as a nice sprig of mint for instance; she takes it out of my mouth! What can I do?
Dandy Bunnyboy! You know very well that it is your duty to bring me all of the best treats and titbits, after all, what other use are you?
This is from the Gower Bunn Gang who have a really good website at
Dear Flopsy Girl...
How do you stop Domino from fighting every time he comes out? He has been ... erm .. 'done' but still wants to fight everybun. He has been in our bedroom for months and months.
We have two new buns coming to stay in out bedroom, Oatmeal and Ginger Biscuit they are brother and sister. When they do eventually come out to play with us, will they mind if one of them gets more attention than the other?
Questions, questions lots of questions, well let me see now… It is very easy to stop Domino fighting. As he is only a buck, he is a wimp, and can easily be put in his place by a determined doe. What you need to do is to give him a good kicking, beat the living daylights out of him so that he is in NO DOUBT just who is boss.
As for Oatmeal & Biscuit, they will just have to get used to the idea that each and every bun has its place. Obviously, a doe is in charge, and then there is an order based on ability and general behaviour. They will soon learn to live with it.
Dear Flopsy Girl...
Me and my girl (Rosie) were very happy together and then our two foots came back one day with a new friend for us. His name is Dudley. We all get along fine but I think my girl is falling for him and forgetting about me. She always used to tease me about my uppitty ears, and he's a big loppy eared chap. I came out of my hay box the other day to find them snuggling up without me :( How can I win back her heart?
Percy Badrabbit
Well Percy Badrabbit, the way to a girls heart is to show her how much you care. You must save all of your treats and give them to Rosie, also, you must groom her for hours, and hours, and hours… You must make her see that you are the most caring buck that she could wish for… If all that fails, bite the lop’s nose!
Dear Flopsy Girl...
Hello! Henry and Muffin here. This is our first post because we can't type very quickly, especially Muffin (she has very fluffy paws!) and our 2-foots make it very difficult to get to the 'puter. They have gates and stuff to try and stop us but don't they realise how high we can jump?!
Anyway, we have a question for Flopsy. We don't think we get enough treats - its a difficult life being a house-bun. We really like toast but our 2-foots only let us have some when we are very good (not often) or need a little bribery to go back to our house at bed time. Does Flopsy have a recipe?
Thank you very much xx
This is an easy one to answer, it’s all about training. You need to train your 2-foots to react in a particular way to a sign that they cannot possibly misunderstand. We have taught our 2-foots to give us a treat every time we go and stand near the big white box in the kitchen that they are kept in. Sometimes it’s a breadstick (which is similar to toast) or maybe some fresh herbs (which are my particular favourite). You need to work hard to train your 2-foots to understand your language. It will take patience, but the end result is more than worth the effort.
As Dandy has already told you, Flopsy Girl died shortly after completing this months problem page, however, we would like to keep the page going, so please send your problems to and we will try to engage a new agony bun to answer them for you.
Bunny Camp is not a large undertaking. It is all run from a normal house in a normal street. However, we do our best to help as many bunnies as possible given our very limited resources. Bunny Camp is situated at:-
4 Stoney Ridge Avenue,
West Yorkshire
Tel: (0044) 01274 821665