The Bunny Camp Newsletter is brought to you by Leeds & Bradford Hopper Group
in support of The Bunny Camp Sanctuary, who kindy let it feature on Rabbit Rehome. If you have any queries regarding the
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Volume 3 Number 5 – May 2005
Hot Weather and Fur Coats
It’s warm… REALLY warm… Have you ever thought what it’s like to spend all day in the sun when you are covered in fur? Could I please ask you to make sure that your buns have plenty of shade and water, plus, on the very hottest days, it’s a good idea to fill an empty plastic bottle with water and freeze it so they have something cold to lay next to.
Bunny Camp Sanctuary Sponsor Bunny Information
For a mere £1 per month, £12 for the year you can sponsor one of these gorgeous but poorly bunnies
and help towards their ongoing veterinary care.
FABIA. The sweetest little Lion Head bunny, female, black. Has been to the vets for several weeks has been treated for a very bad skin disorder due to previous life living with hens. Very effectionate, very easy going, will need on going veterinary treatment for skin. |
CHRYSTAL .Stunning female silver Dwarf Lop born approx 1.9.99. On arrival had cataract in left eye and one forming in right. Now totally blind. Was unwanted due to stroppy nature after her partner died. Fear aggression. |
ERICA. Cute and lovely natured female Dutch bunny born July 2002. Unwanted due to owners moving house. Had old, untreated brake on back right leg will have mobility problems and arthritis in the future. |
CLYDE. Very handsome, nice natured male English born approx September 96. Came from a breeders home unfortunately kept for 3 years in a shed with no attention just fed and watered. Very nervous and requires surgery to his teeth every few months. |
PAT. Black, male domestic bun born approx. November 2003. Came in with 5 bunnies lived in a run with a bucket and hay for a bed. Had pastruella and two large nasty abcesses on arrival, pasturella with reacure and therefore requires constant care and veterinary treatment. Very nervous and shy. |
BLUEBELL. Female, spayed Dutch bunny born approx Jan 2001. Came in with HUGO, has been in re-homing section since October 03 with minor eye problems but now has developed teeth and related eye problems therefore cannot be re homed. Will require ongoing Veterinary treatment. |
LITTLE JESS & MAZIE. 2 Female Guinea Pigs, LITTLE JESS just lost partner SPIKE, MAZIE came into Sanctuary as unwanted pet with bunny, the bunny died shortly after decided to pair up with LITTLE JESS and place on Sponsorship Scheme. |
ESMERELDA is a British Giant who came into the sanctuary from a garden centre where she was no longer able to be sold and had developed an abcess from a bite wound so was to be terminated by a non veterinary nature. She was born approx October 2004. |
BONNY & BLOSSOM. 2 female white bunnies, Bonny Netherland Dwarf, Blossom cross Netherland Polish born approx 2000. Unfortunately these bunnies have been homed and re homed several times and keep coming back. Now permanently on Sponsor Scheme. |
BAILEY. Bailey brought in at 8 weeks old was to be put to sleep, has misaligned jaw requires Veterinary treatment every 2 weeks. Has undergone some major surgery to his jaw. His partner sadly passed over the rainbow bridge in March so he now lives with the dogs in the house which he loves. |
TASHA & FIFI. are our newest sponsorship members, they came into the sanctuary about six months and have developed teeth problems and Fifi has also started with weepy eyes due to the teeth. Tasha is a white domestic bunny and Fifi a white lion head born about 2002. The bunny camp sanctuary prides itself on not homing bunnies with health issues and so these beautiful bunnies will stay with us. |

This months Rabbit Welfare Association leaflet
The RWF Guide to Feeding your Pet Rabbit
Hi, my name is ESMERALDA and I arrived at the sanctuary on 26th February 2005. I came from a garden centre and I think I was born about October 2004, I was kept with other rabbits and we were for sale but because I am a British Giant and grew very fast plus I had a huge facial abscess that the other bunnies inflicted on me I was to be terminated as I would not make any money for them. It was due to a very kind friend of Sonya’s who rescued me and fostered me for a short time and treated my abscess that I am now in the sanctuary and fit and healthy.
I was to be re-homed but due to the sad loss of DUKE the very special Bunny Camp Sanctuary MASCOT who retired from his public appearances in November and their hasn’t been another bunny to carry on his good work in schools etc. I am a very gentle giant and adore children which I understand is unusual so because of that I have been given the privilege of taking on DUKES legacy which I hope I can live up to.
I am going to live in a luxurious house with a balcony and a dog flap so that during the day I can come and go as I please and at night I will be locked in like al the other bunnies for our safety
I have oodles of love to give and if you would like to sponsor me I would be so happy, there is a form on the next page for you to fill in, so I hope I will be your special sponsor bunny, love to everyone here who treats me so well
Hi, my name is PAT and I am a black male domestic bunny born November 2003. I came into the Bunny Camp with 5 other bunnies, we all lived in a broken down run and I had a bucket and hay for a bed.
When I arrived Sonya took me to the vets as I had Pasturella and two very large and nasty abscesses on my shoulders. I was poorly for a while and was kept in the Isolation area and I was very very frightened but I soon learnt what love means and now I trust my 2 foots who look after me and love me so much. My Pasturella will reoccur and I need constant care and veterinary treatment.
When I was fully recovered from my wounds I was allowed out with the other bunnies, I love to run around the patio with my other bunny friends and I also love to go visiting, I jump in and out of the other bunnies chalets just to be sociable but some of them don’t like it. I am told I am a very handsome buck and I wanted to be the Top Buck but BAILEY was not at all pleased about this so we had a few scraps, no buns were hurt it was more a bit of bravado.
Imagine my surprise and good luck to be introduced to a very cute, snazzy doe called ERICA, we now live in our own chalet and domestic bliss agrees with me and we are both contented to love each other, ERICA licks my face and cuddles up to me, ohhh what bliss!!!!. And now my life is complete because BAILEY, who was poorly for a few weeks and lost his lovely doe IVORY, has decided I can be the TOP BUCK. I am so happy here with a lovely bride, a heated chalet, the best food and care plus lots of love. If you would like to find out more about us and to have me as your Sponsor Bunny please fill in the form overleaf. Thank you for reading my story.
I send my love to you all PAT
The last month at the sanctuary has been very difficult with the sponsor bunnies. HUGO our adorable Mr April on our calendar became very ill with a respiratory infection and was admitted to the vets for treatment. After two weeks he was allowed home with medication which seemed to be working for awhile but then he had a relapse and deteriorated
again only this time he didn’t recover and sadly he passed over the rainbow bridge on Tuesday 24th May his memory will live on with us.
We also had a very sudden and tragic loss on Friday 20th May when MIDNIGHT one of our new sponsor bunnies passed over the rainbow bridge. We were shocked as there was no sign of illness but it was discovered on the Saturday that a Hornet was building a nest in her house, the vet did a post-mortem and suspects she was stung by the hornet. This loss is so tragic but she is now with Hugo over the rainbow bridge.
On your marks, get set and….go…. Will you join us on a Sponsored 10 mile walk for the Bunnycamp Sanctuary? We already have a few willing people but the more the merrier. It will be on a Sunday in August and we will be walking the towpath of the Leeds/Liverpool Canal at Bingley. A short 1 mile walk along the towpath from the public car park beside the Bingley Station then we can turn right on the towpath and it’s only 4 miles to Saltaire Mill and Village. We can have a cup of tea and a sticky bun in Saltaire then return to Bingley the way we came. Whilst walking you will discover the tranquillity of waterways and an ever changing landscape, rich in wildlife, flora and fauna. Go on...give it a go it should be fun, Sonya will be taking her boys Alistair and Gregory plus maybe the dogs, Sophie and Martha. I have printed a map for you and a Sponsor Form, we would love to see loads of you joining us on our walk to help with much needed funds and if we all take part and get our Sponsors we could raise a good amount.
Many thanks and if you need any further information you can contact Sonya at The Bunnycamp Sanctuary or e-mail Bobbie ( who will try to answer any queries you may have.
Look forward to seeing you all
Tel 01274 821665
Date….. A Sunday in August 2005
Route…...A 10 mile walk on the towpath of the Leeds/Liverpool Canal starting at Bingley
Walkers name…………………………………..
On behalf of the Bunnycamp Sanctuary thank you for your support
march 2005 at the bunny camp
Another month has gone by at Bunny Camp and once again we are feeling very sad because DUKE has passed over the rainbow bridge. Sonya and Jim took the right decision and he went peacefully in Sonya’s arms, he was too frail for any further veterinary intervention and his quality of life was not good, so CHRYSTAL has lost another companion. She now has MIDNIGHT with her and all seems to be going well.
We were a bit worried about BAILEY when IVORY left and because of his chin the vet didn’t want to keep giving him any more anaesthetic when he lanced it and flushed it out. One sunny Wednesday morning all the bunnies were on the patio so I went to see if poor frail BAILEY would like to come and play with his friends so I went to the house to fetch him telling him he could go back if he wanted to. What a transformation, when he got on to the patio his tail went up, his ears went back and he looked for and found PAT, I looked around and found them both on their hind legs facing each other and having a ‘boxing’ match, no buns were hurt it was just a struggle to be the TOP BUN!!!! and poor frail BAILEY was winning!!. He has recently given up his title of TOP BUN and has decided he prefers his life as a house rabbit, or should that be house dog, because when Sonya opens the patio door to let her dogs Sophie and Martha out BAILEY runs out with his tail up joining the dogs outside. BAILEY still has his chin lanced every two weeks but the vet gives him a local anaesthetic now and he looks so well, his coat is thick and shiny and he is full of mischief and back to the cheeky faced BAILEY we all love so much.
BLUEBELL has lost some weight and is looking good for her groom CLYDE, they were all enjoying the sun on their backs the other Wednesday morning and MIDNIGHT was running around which pleased us because she needs to lose quite a bit of weight but a couple of minutes later I saw her laying on the patio resting with all her fat spread out on either side of her but at least she is having some exercise and the weight will go slowly.
On Easter Sunday we had a HOPPER CLUB meeting but because of the holidays there were only 7 of us, we discussed the SPONSORED WALK and all of us agreed to do it, so we have Anthony and Claire, Paul and Chris, Sonya, Bobbie and Alison on board so far and I am sure a lot of other helpers and friends will join us. We thought that a Sunday at the end of May would be a good time, 10 miles was agreed probably on the Canal footpath so watch this space for more information.
We have lost a lot of our dear Sponsor bunnies lately but we must be positive in times like these, all the bunnies are unwell some more than others but they have the very best food the very best accommodation with heated chalets, the very best veterinary care and loads and loads of love from everyone
associated with the BUNNY CAMP and they live what life they have left feeling warm, secure and wanted. And it’s thanks to people like you that Sonya and Jim are able to fund all this so give yourselves a BIG pat on the back and thank you all from the Sponsored bunnies for donating your time and money to give these beautiful creatures what they deserve. They send their love to their many friends who love and Sponsor them.
P.S. last month I called TASHA a ‘him’, sorry about that but TASHA is a ‘her’.
APRIL 2005 at the bunny camp
Wednesday mornings in April have been dry and even sunny so all the bunnies have been out playing on the patio. Bailey has the patio doors left open for him so he runs in and out at will except when Esmeralda is about, as she normally is, then Bailey will keep one eye on her and as soon as she comes into his view he runs back indoors and all you see is a white tail. Pat as usual stamps his authority on the rest of the bunnies and he is now well and truly the top buck.
On 6th April Hugo was found to be struggling with his breathing so I went with Sonya to take him to the vets where he was hospitalised with instructions given by Sonya to the nurses to give him lots of cuddles. Since then he has been in and out of hospital and is up and down with his health, he has a bad infection so has been in the isolation unit with the heater on and classical music playing on the radio. On Wednesdays I have to wait until I have finished cleaning the other chalets before I can go and give Hugo a cuddle as he is still infectious. Sonya gives him a nice warm bath which seems to help him to feel a bit better but he is struggling with the infection and his quality of life is not so rosy at the moment.
Pat has been visiting the other bunnies in their chalets, one evening Jim was giving them all their greens for supper and then he locked their chalets for the night, the next morning Sonya had a terrible fright when she went to check on Erica and Pat she found Erica on her own, panic stepped in so Sonya went to check on the others and found Pat on the balcony of Bonnie and Blossoms chalet sitting in between the girls looking very warm, happy and content, he had been there all night. It was so funny, they looked like a liquorice sandwich!!.
Chrystal and Midnight are great friends and cuddle up to each other, Chrystal is an amazing rabbit who despite her blindness manages to find her way around the patio, she is such a soft, good natured and cuddly rabbit.
Fabia is missing Hugo so much and she has also been to the vets as her skin was dry and flaky and with her history of skin problems Sonya keeps an eye out for any changes.
Esmeralda has taken over the job of Mascot for the Bunny Camp, she just loves all the attention she gets from the children Sonya goes to see at different schools. She is perfect for the role such a friendly laid back type of rabbit who has a formed special bond with Sonya.
You will probably have read that the Sponsored Walk is now in August and hopefully it will bring in much needed funds for the Bunny Camp Sanctuary. Do try and join us, it should be fun whatever the weather. Once again a very BIG THANK YOU goes to all the many friends and supporters of the Sanctuary, without your help Sonya and Jim would not be able to care for all the unwanted and ill treated bunnies that come into the Sanctuary, a big hug from all the bunnies.
Bunny Camp News Recipe Column
By Dandy
Due to Brambles pack missing this month’s publication deadline, I have had to do the recipe column myself this month… I mean… how hard can it be?
I have decided to describe a thing that the 2-foots do in summer outside, and its called Barbie queue.
For this you need
- A big metal thing to contain a fire
- Something to burn
- Some stuff that 2-foots eat
What to do
- Get the 2-foots to put the big metal thing outside.
- Make a fire in the big metal thing
- Throw the stuff that the 2-foots eat on the fire
After the stuff the 2-foots eat is all burned, they will eat some of it, but throw most of it away. They will then all say what a good idea it was, and say how much they enjoyed it.
See… I told you it was easy!
Bunny Humour
The Barbara Peters Page
This month I must confess is a bit of a departure for me. As regular readers of my column will know, I usually write about herbs & natural remedies
This column is different however, as for a change, I am going to address a health issue, I am going to talk about FLY-STRIKE.
Fly strike is one of the most horrific things that can happen to your rabbit, and this is the time of year when it becomes apparent. The condition is caused by the blowfly (green-bottle) laying its eggs in a place where the resulting maggots will have a source of food. This usually means on animal droppings, on meat, or on a rabbit’s dirty bottom.
If a rabbit suffers fly-strike, the maggots first eat the faeces that are clinging to the rabbit’s rear end, but very soon, they burrow into the rabbit’s tissue causing horrific injury.
So what can you do to prevent it? First and foremost, keep your rabbit’s bottom clean at all times. Check him at least twice a day to make sure that he is ok, and if despite your best efforts, if he does suffer an attack, waste no time in getting him to a vet, as it IS a medical emergency.
As the lazy days of summer are upon us, it’s easy to think that life is good, there are no problems, and all is well with the world.
If only this were true. As usual, Bunny Camp has many demands on it’s resources, and there are more rabbits looking for homes than we can possibly care for.
On top of this, there are the sad losses we suffer. We all thought that Duke would live forever, but like so many before him, he is now running free at the rainbow bridge.
Please help us however you can. Why not join us in our sponsored walk, or if you can’t make it yourself, how about sponsoring someone who is taking part?
Whatever help you can give us, you can be assured that it will be appreciated.
Bun of the month
Millie Bun’s Problem Pages
Hello everybun.
Well, we are back to normal this month, with normal questions, so let’s get started.
"Dear Millie Bun...
I live in a large house with my pet 2-foots. Most of the time, they look after me very well, but they do leave me for long periods during the day, and as I don’t have a bunny friend, I get very lonely. What should I do?
Dear Henry
It sounds very much to me as though your pet 2-foots are failing you. What they need to do is to realise that you cannot possibly continue to live alone like this. They MUST be made to realise that the best thing to do is to bring you along to Bunny Camp where you can be introduced to some nice girly-buns. I’m sure that you will find a soul mate, and that everybun will be happier as a result.
"Dear Millie Bun...
I live with a doe that is much younger than I am. I try my best, but she is SO full of energy, I find it REALLY difficult to keep up with her. It took us a long time for us to get to know each other, so I would not like to do anything that would jeopardise our relationship. Do you have any advice?
A Worried Bun.
Dear Worried Bun (or should I say Dandy?)
Please don’t be concerned, I REALLY enjoy being with you, and the fact that you are not as fast as I am is a positive advantage, as this means that I can run faster and get to the food first.
Bunny Camp is not a large undertaking. It is all run from a normal house in a normal street. However, we do our best to help as many bunnies as possible given our very limited resources. Bunny Camp is situated at:-
4 Stoney Ridge Avenue,
West Yorkshire
Tel: (0044) 01274 821665