Rehomed - Blincky & Mojo

Sleepy buns.
Having recently lost one of my buns, I was browsing through the internet when I spotted Mojo and Blinky on the Rabbit Rehome site. I wasn't really thinking about getting another rabbit (let alone two!), so I left it at that. A couple of days later, I noticed a post on the UKrabbitlover group message board which said that (due to unforseen work commitments) someone was looking for a new home for a pair of bonded houserabbits called Mojo and Blinky. I thought "that's a coincidence, I remember those names" and checked it out. I wrote to their mum, and told her that I was interested in offering them a home, but I did live very far away (they were in Aldershot and I was in Arbroath, Scotland), and if she felt that this was too far, then that was ok but the offer still stood. After she had checked with her vet about the travelling situation, she contacted me to let me know I could adopt them. I was delighted.

Don't be stupid Mojo, of course I have two ears!
So my hubby packed our car with a large indoor cage (we have a people carrier!) lined with newspaper and vetbed, and along with his friends drove down to collect them. The journey was a long one (1022 miles round trip), and they arrived 10.00pm on Sunday, stayed overnight in a nearby Travel Inn before picking up the buns the following morning. Mojo and Blinky coped very well with the journey, having numerous comfort breaks on the way to Scotland, and arrived back just before 9.00pm on Monday. They now have their own bunny bedroom and get to run around the hallway and kitchen, and are slowly getting access to other parts of the house. We are also having a pet door fitted so they can have access to the 'great outdoors' by way of a covered/secure outdoor run, so they can come and go as they please. They are two very very large loveable buns with minds of their own, and I wouldn't have them any other way.

Cooeee - Mojo where are you....
They are now known as 'the hooligans' because of the mischief they get up to! Blinky likes to sit on my chair in the kitchen, threatening to jump on the table when we're not looking. Mojo is determined to gain access to the same chair but starting from underneath and systematically chewing his way through. They also think that the hallway needs redecorating and have started to rip the wallpaper off (*sheesh* I wouldn't mind, but it's the wall facing the front door so you can see it as soon as you come in the house!). That bit of wall and all other vulnerable areas now get sprayed liberally with Samsara perfume to deter them (visitors give me strange looks when they come in, they think that it smells like a................well I'll not say, 'cos children might be reading this). Blinky hasn't been spayed yet and is also decorating the walls and skirting boards in her own special sprinkling way (I should get shares in a kitchen roll manufacturing company).

Mojo - You can't see me!
Anyway, we love them very much and they make us laugh, and I'm so glad I saw them on the Rabbit Rehome site. Thank you very much for your wonderful service (and I'll be passing on the bill for redecorating, new chair, more perfume, more kitchen roll .............................teehee!)