Rehomed - Patch

Do you remember Patch? He was ‘Rabbit of the Week’ around May last year! It was around that time I went on the Rabbits Rehome website for the first time. When I saw Patch (a large X breed lop) I felt so sad. His message said that he had ‘so much love to give but no- one to share it with’. I visited the site over a couple of weeks and each time Patch was still Rabbit of the week!

After contacting the Swindon Animal Haven where Patch lived, I decided to visit him. The coach journey from London to Wiltshire was around 3 hours there and back (I even missed my coach and got stuck in Swindon for even longer!) But Patch was worth every minute!

Because of the traumatising childhood Patch has had, he’s a very shy and jumpy rabbit (as you can probably tell from the picture). Poor Patch was petrified when we had to bring him home on the tube, and for the first couple of days he would either stay in his hutch or hide under the bed!

We have had Patch for nearly 4 months now and thankfully he has got over his fears. Patch is a very philosophical bunny and likes to sit in a puff-ball thinking and thinking for ages! But he is also quite sociable when he wants to be too! He no longer hides away from us-in fact he’ll often watch our feet as he waits for us to bend down and stroke his big floppy ears and receive lots of tickles on his nose! Patchs’ favourite green is Parsley. If you give it to him, he’ll often gobble it up in seconds!

Patch is not big on posing for photos so I was extremely lucky to get this one Patch wants to say a big thank-you to Liz and John and all the other people that helped him when he was first rescued with his family

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