How you can help
Even if you can't rehome a rabbit you can still help. Even little things like adding a link to our site from yours could result in a rabbit finding a new, loving home.
- Putting up a poster
- Adding a link from your website
- Letting Your local rescue know about RR
- Make a donation
- Foster Rabbits
- Volunteer at a rescue
If you have added a link or put up a poster if you let us know we will list you on our supporters page.
Add a Link
You can link to our site using the following code<a href="">Rabbit Rehoming Site</a>
Using this banner (right click to save) and the
following code
src="banner.gif" alt="Rabbit Rehoming"></a>

Please print off this poster and put in up in your local petshops, veterinary surgeries and anywhere else you think might help. This will help people find our site and the rabbits listed find new homes.> PDF File (61KB)
> Word Document (149KB)
> GIF File (69KB)
If you need the poster in a different format please ask.
Rabbit Rehome & Rabbit Care Posters
Please help promote rabbit rescues and rabbit welfare by printing these posters and putting them up in your local area.
The following are good places to put posters to catch people's attention:
- Pet shops
- Veterinary practices
- Doctors/dentists waiting rooms
- Shop windows
- Library notice board
- Community centres
- School/playgroup notice boards
- Places people que e.g. ticket sales, takeaways, bus stops
For information on obtaining leaflets please see Leaflets on Rabbit Care
Rabbit Lovers Wanted - Homes Needed for Rabbits

This poster promotes Rabbit Rehome and the thousands of rabbits waiting in rescue centres for new homes.
Poster PDF File (61KB)
Poster Word Document (149KB)
Poster GIF File (69KB)
Rabbit Care - Benefits of Neutering Rabbits

This poster explains the benefits of neutering: improved behaviour, preventing uterine cancer and preventing unwanted babies.
PDF File (23Kb)
GIF File (76Kb)
Rabbit Care - Why Hay is Important

This poster explains why hay is an essential part of a rabbit's diet.
PDF File (40Kb)
GIF File (102Kb)
Rabbit Care - Toys for Rabbits

This poster explains the benefits of neutering: improved behaviour, preventing uterine cancer and preventing unwanted babies.
PDF File (30Kb)
GIF File (112Kb)
Poster for Petshops - Why We Don't Sell Rabbits

This poster is designed for petshops that support rescue centres by not contributing to the over population of pet rabbits.
Poster PDF File(18Kb)
Poster Word Document(97Kb)
Downloading Posters
To view PDF format posters you need a copy of the free Adobe Reader.