Rabbit Care Advice
If you would like more advice on rabbit care please join our forum and post your question.
General Rabbit Care

- Overview to rabbit care
- The Cost of Rabbit Ownership
- Winter Care for Rabbits
- Here Comes Summer
- Test your Knowledge with our Rabbit Care Quiz
- Caring for Large/Giant Rabbit Breeds
- Fluffy or Knot? - Caring for Long Haired Rabbit Breeds
- Rabbit Books
- Holiday Boarding for rabbits

Handling & Behaviour

Multiple Rabbits


- Rabbit Hutch or Bunny Palace? (Part 1 Outdoor Homes)
- Rabbit Hutch or Bunny Palace? (Part 2 Indoor Homes)
- Free Rabbit Toys
- What Out for Mr. Fox
- Holiday Boarding
You will find conflicting advice in some places, knowledge about care is continually updated. If you find something that’s conflicting or doesn't sound right then find someone to ask, your vet or local rescue should be able to help. Do not ask in a pet shop, they are notorious for giving out wrong advice.