Scunthorpe Rabbit Rescue

62 Old Crosby Scunthorpe
Tel: 01724 348817/07816978296

About Us

We are an RSPCA and RWA approved rescue. Founded in 1996 and on average rehome/admit 150/200 rabbits a year. We rely on volunteers, weekly carboots, donations from the general public and companies including Pets at Home, Nisa, Local Vets to fund the rescue.

Rehoming Policy

We ensure that pre/post homechecks are completed for all our residents to ensure that our rabbits have their forever home they much need.

Admission Policy

We try to admit as many rabbits as we have room for, how ever if the rescue is full we operate a waiting list.

How You Can Help Us

We always on the look out for more carboot supplies, scrap metal (that we can weigh in) and any textiles (that we can weigh in) and more volunteers to train up as home checkers, any fresh food supplies suitable for rabbits, and any donation welcome

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