
Rabbit Rehome have helped in the adoption of approximately 800 rabbits since the site was launched in September 2002. If you've adopted a rabbit listed on Rabbit Rehome why not tell us a bit about your new friend.

Clive Hello there, My name is Clive although I use to be called Simba, but Mum-2 said I'd grown in charater and desierved and big boys name. Two foot also suggested that I contact you to let you know my news and that I'm safe and well and getting on very well with my new girl friend, Lapin. I use to live with the lovely little guinea pig, but mum-1 couldn't look after us any more so we went to stay with Aunty Donna at ARC. Then Mum-2 visited Rabbit Rehome web site, after her little spud went over the rainbow, leaving a heart broken Lady Lapin behind. And then I came along, and Lady Lapin eems to have cheered up no end.

I've settled in very well with my new lady, she was a bit offish to start with, but she soon succumbed to my lethal charm and cuteness. She was also very impressed with my portrait on a mat, (she licked my ears and everything, he he he!).

Two foot was taking it careful about putting us together in the hutch as Lapin was less than happy about some new encroaching her space. But once two foot was safely out the way at work, I performed a mission impossible over the barricade, and after some negotiation with Lapin, (and a few nips and a hair cut for me, luckily no blood!) we came to an understanding, and haven't been apart since. She likes it when I chase her into the lounge, then she turns and chases me back into the kitchen, it so much fun! Every day or so two foot insists on picking us up and grooming us, which is OK, but I'd much rather have Lapin groom me, but she says we have to humour two foot otherwise she'll be sad, so I'm being brave. There's only one problem with my accommodation, it's on two stories and I haven't mastered to art of the ramp yet. I managed it after the break in, but now I just keep falling of the ramp before I get to the top. Although Lapin is being very understanding and she sleeps downstairs with me.

I have to go now, I had a little bit of a chew on Two foots trainers (they smelt interesting!) and she has just found them and doesn't appear pleased! Maybe if I sit quietly next to Lapin. Now...... how to get these eyes wide and innocent!

Clive x

Aggie In April we rehomed our four year old white lop Kim-bun from the SSPCA in Angus. Kim had been with them for a very long time and staff thought that perhaps her large dew lap had put people off. When we got her we were told she was very grumpy but she isn't really she just knows what she likes!! She is lovely and has settled in very well with us and adores our two children and our old english sheepdog.

The other week we saw an 18 month old ginger lop on your site and again visited the Angus SSPCA - she had no name so we have called her Aggie. She has also settled in really well despite having been in the welfare centre for several months. Kim is really chuffed with her new friend and the two girlie buns are now best pals. The centre still has loads of bunnies of all shapes and sizes looking for homes so hopefully someone will be inspired enough to help them out. Love Pam, Kim & Aggie

Aggie Rolo (renamed Casey Jack) went to live with a female rabbit called Branwen Felicity. They were successfully bonded and now they groom each other, sit together and are generally being happy loved up buns.

french lop Sooty, came into Nottingham Pet Rescue in January 2004 from a family in lincs as an unwanted litter with his two sisters, sweep and Sue. Sweep and Sue were pretty little things and were rehomed very quickily, but because sooty is jet black he was always being overlooked. He is a very soft and friendly rabbit who become depressed and desperate for that forever home. He would rush to the front of the cage looking whenever people come to view the rabbits then quietly sits at the back when passed by.

Sooty (renamed Treacle) was quickly snapped up after appearing on Rabbit Rehome...

After sorting Honey out with water, food and some bits and pieces for the day, I gathered up my maps, my empty rabbit box, newspaper, water bottle and cuddly toy and headed off towards Nottingham.

Four and a half hours later, sweating and tired I arrived at the small animal shelter, where I met all the bunnies who were in desperate need of a house... I also came accross Sooty who I was there to pick up. Sooty came to front of his hutch and I gave him a big cuddle, he loved it, homing it and licking me almost instantly. Soon enough I had him boxed up, water at the ready and in the back of the brum with me... I sat with Sooty (Now Treacle) cuddling up for a bit, then watching him hop about.. he was perfectly happy.

Treacle sat on the sofa last night in my arms while Honey gently nuzzled his nose and hopped around him... to be honest I really think they are 'love bunnies' already, having licked each other and generally nose nuzzled.

french lop The family of females, four of which we featured on the website and which you kindly put on Rabbit Rehome received another enquiry last week.  The lady only new of the four that we had on the site, but when she visited the Rescue Centre and found out about the two Amanda was going to keep, she said she would take them all so that they could stay together.  She brought over a PC with pictures of her garden and the setup she has for her rabbits. Amanda said it was unbelievable, she has dedicated her garden to the rabbits and had it specially designed for the purpose. You can imagine how thrilled she was to know that these bunnies were going to such a fantastic home.

I wanted you to know that the enquiry came through Rabbit Rehome and how well these websites work for the animals.  Thank you very much for putting them.  You can remove them if you wish I have updated our site to say that they have been rehomed after two years and how thrilled we are about it.

matilda We have recently adopted Matilda, who was with Furry Friends in Surrey for a very long time. Matilda is a lovely girl, very intelligent, and is now getting to know us, and spends a good deal of time running free (under supervision) in our garden.

Thomas Thomas had a very traumatic start in life. His previous owners trapped his rear left leg in a door and it was so badly broken that it had to be amputated.

Thomas was lucky enough to be offered a place at Ebony-Eyes Retirement home where he will be spoilt and have the love and care of Jay and John.

Percival I have rehomed one of the Bournemouth 100 (Percival) from Bracknell Rabbit Rescue, and as I first saw their story and found out about the rescue centre through your site, I’d like to say thanks!

Originally I wanted a baby bunny from a pet shop, which I think is probably how most people think about getting a rabbit. It was only because I was waiting to move house and get settled in that I discovered your site, and found out about the sheer number of rabbits in need of new homes.

Percival and Rosie

After reading some of the stories on the site, like that of the Bournemouth bunnies, I contacted Bracknell Rabbit Rescue. Once all the house move was done we went to have a look and saw Percival and Misty (who he had been bonded with). We looked at all the rabbits there but it was these two that we really bonded with, especially knowing where Percival had come from. He seemed to like me too as he licked my hand and tried to steal one of my rings! He is a fantastic rabbit considering his background, and quite likes a cuddle. Misty (who we’ve re-named Rosie) also had a bad start in life. She loves her Percy to bits though. She’s a shy bunny but is gradually coming round to the fact that hands aren’t things to be afraid of, although to get her into the house we are having to use the Rosie-mobile (a cardboard box with a flap for her to get in/out).

Many thanks for your website – without it I would never have got these two!

Penny and Sweep I am writing to let you know of another successful match due to Rabbit Rehome.

I adopted Penny, who was featured on your website in February this year, from the Bunny Camp Sanctuary, as a partner for my bunny boy, Sweep. Penny had been at the Sanctuary for over 2 years and the people there thought she may have been passed by on so many occasions, due to her 'wild rabbit' colouring. When I met Penny, I couldnt understand how anybody could pass this beautiful little girl by. The Sanctuary took care of the bonding process between my bun Sweep and Penny.... but we had no need to worry, they got along really well...and still do!

Penny has settled into her new home extremely well... she is very affectionate, it's as if she knows she has been given a second chance! She is loved very much, both by me and Sweep... and our home is now a much better place with Penny in it.

To read more about Penny and Sweep, please visit their website

Many Many thanks for your website....without it, Penny and I would never have met!

champ He [Champ] came to me before Christmas, and will be with me for life! He has been renamed Rupert and is happily living with my older rabbit, Bertie. They have a shed all to themselves and come in the house to play each night, it's lovely to see them being such good friends and enjoying life!

Many thanks for your website, I'll definately use it again in the future!

Linford I discovered Linford via Rabbit Rehome and my friends at the Peggy Henderson Centre in Manchester and adopted him last year.

When Linford warned his owner of a fire, the Chief Fire Officer confirmed that Linford was a true hero!

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Patch Last year I adopted a lop-eared rabbit called Patch. He was 'rabbit of the week' for quite some time, which is how I first noticed him. We have had Patch for quite a few months now, and hes quite a little character. Being a mischevious house bunny hes managed to get his sharp little knashers round quite a few wires (damaging a few telephones) and upsetting his Dad a lot in the process! However, at the end of the day Patch is very happy now, and so are we. The flat would seem very empty without him hopping about causing havoc and seeing his black and white spotty face first thing in the morning!

All our love
Parveen, Patch and Dave

Read more about Patch

Bugs is a grey Giant Lop I would like to Thank your web site for helping me add a new addidtion to our family. I got in touch with a rabbit that you were advertising BUGGS the rabbit from Lancashire, after quite a few e-mails my family and I went to see Buggs. I am now proud to say that BUGGS has joined our family and is fitting in like she has always been with us. I looked at the sheds and homes that you have on your web site and took lots of ideas from these so that our new addition would have freedom and happiness just like a bunny should.

Thank you for making this possible with your web site.
Traci Clarke, Buggs and family.

Just to let you know that Tim, the small lop from Somerset has been rehomed. He is a real sweetheart and is currently trying to chew the bottoms on my trousers as I sit and type this email! I have two other bunnies, both neutered who are completely bonded and I hope to bond Tim (now called Dylan) with them gradually. He has been to the vets for his VHD and will be going back for his myxi and neutering soon. - Abbie (and Dylan!)

Dumpling is black with a white nose, she is blind Stew is brown with a white nose, she is blind Stew and Dumpling are blind, they were taken to Furry Friends Rescue by their owner because she was going to university. They both found new homes with owners willing to understand their special needs within 24 hours of having their appeal on Rabbit Rehome!

Read original appeal

Blinky & Mojo Blinky and Mojo's new mum and dad traveled 1022 miles to take them home after seeing them on Rabbit Rehome.

They are now known as 'the hooligans' because of the mischief they get up to! Blinky likes to sit on my chair in the kitchen, threatening to jump on the table when we're not looking. Mojo is determined to gain access to the same chair but starting from underneath and systematically chewing his way through.

Read complete story

thumper and linley Rabbit Rehomes first success - Thumper and Linley.

Just writing to say that I think your rabbit rehome site is brilliant and to let you know that Thumper and Linley now have a new home with me. If I hadn't seen the rabbits on this site then I probably wouldn't have found out about them, so thankyou! They are wonderfull little characters and I hope they will be happily living with us for the rest of their days. - Hayley

Baby Baby was thrown out when she was four months old because her owners got bored of her. She is very sweet and loveing and just loves to be stroked. She's now in her new home! (Hounslow Animal Welfare Society, Middlesex)

Bobby Bobby is a french lop, about 8 months old, he is black and a very friendly boy. He was dumped in a cardboard box with 5 other rabbits. Now in a new home! (Hounslow Animal Welfare Society, Middlesex)

Camille Around the time I had decided to find Lewie a girlfriend I came across , through a discussion group on Yahoo. The only specifics I searched for were a female bunny in the London area, so I was pretty open to any bun. The list that popped up was sadly quite long. The first rabbit on the list was called Camille, so I decided to take a look at her story. There was a brief background to her and a little bit about her personality, enough to gage my interest. And as for the photo, well… look and I was hooked! I didn't even make it through the list of other buns, I knew Camille was the bun for us the moment I saw her! I emailed her fosterer straight away and received a swift response. A few days later I went to visit Camille, and within moments of being in her company I loved her.

Camille and Lewie

She came out of her box to sniff me and let me stroke her straight away. But the biggest compliment was that I made her do the happy teeth grind thing with my second stroke! Brilliant or what!!! Even though she seemed slightly timid (that's in comparison to my bolshy dutch boy at home) I knew she was friendly. Anna (her foster mummy) had done a brilliant job of socialising her, especially considering she had come from a breeding background. The poor thing had been taken to the Mayhew in a box with her babies, immediately after she'd given birth, with the buck she'd been bred with her also in the box mounting her!! It's unbelievable to think of the ignorance!

It wasn’t until I saw Lewie and Camille together that I realised how lonely he must have been as a single bunny. Getting him a companion is the best present I could ever give him.

Read complete story in Carrot Chronicle

Trevor Trevor (right) was found at a railway station along with a guinea pig.  They were taken to the R.S.P.C.A where it was found that the pig had paralysed backlegs causing him to urinate all over himself.  This caused servere burns Tilly and it was in the guinea pigs best interest he was put to sleep! Trevor was taken in by Furry friends where Jo adopted him after seeing his story on Rabbit Rehome.

Trevors now a happy little bun that enjoys flitting about in his run! Soon he will be paired up with female Tilly (left) (who Jo adopted from Bobtails Rescue).

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